Sunday, September 27, 2009
For some reasons, the show put behind a couple who cannot find the correct license plate at the starting point. Recent Primetime Emmy Awards winner "The Amazing Race" kicked off its 15th season with two romantically related pairs being eliminated in the first episode. Eric and Lisa, the married yoga teachers, were unfortunately the first couple to be shown the exit. Following next at the end of the second race were Garrett and Jessica.
For the first time in the show's history, a couple was extracted from the pack before they even got the first plane tickets. The challenge that put Eric and Lisa out of the equation was to find among 1,000 license plates that has their first destination in Japan on. The other eleven teams managed to pass the challenge and headed to the airport to go to Tokyo while Eric and Lisa stayed behind at Los Angeles' River.
Right away the 11 teams were given a Road Block where only one person from each team may perform the task. At this stage, they had to play a Japanese-style game show called Sushi Roulette where they must eat whatever plate of sushi was in front of them. The only way to move on and get the clue was to eat the wasabi bomb under 2 minutes.
After performing the Road Block, the teams were led to the first Pit Stop. But first, teams must collect 20 Japanese tourists wearing the same colored visors as their flags and usher them to the Pit Stop. The poker players Maria and Tiffany had difficulty in this stage and took the two-hour penalty. Ironically, it was a non-elimination round.
Twelve hours later, the race was looking forward to eliminate one more couple. From Tokyo, the teams were to fly to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Maria and Tiffany had to gather the ingredients for a Vietnamese soup for a dockmaster as part of their speed bump. Meanwhile, the others collected thick nutrient mud to nourish a fruit tree in order to get their next clue. They must transport themselves using sampan.
The last challenge in the second leg would be another Road Block where one team member must herd 150 ducks back into their pen under 10 minutes. Jessica found it hard to gather her ducks and finished after Ericka. Jessica got eliminated and her partner Garrett threw a tantrum over the loss.
Next week, the teams will still revolve around Asia. Zev and Justin smash a giraffe statue during their task.
Labels: TV Shows