Monday, October 26, 2009
The preview gives a tease on the person who comes sneaking on the fridge of the Walkers family and brings back the tension in the family dinner. In the throes of chemotherapy, Kitty is thrilled when a surprise visitor comes to town. Tommy who was last seen in the third season finale refusing his family's help to come back to the United States, is making a return on the November 1 episode of "Brothers & Sisters" titled "Zen & the Art of Making Mole".
Meanwhile, Sarah finally realizes that she has to tell her kids about Luc (guest star Gilles Marini). With Ryan and Rebecca's help, Holly finds a way to keep her financial future from unraveling, and Kevin and Scotty finally agree on a possible surrogate (guest star Roxy Olin).
The decision to eliminate Balthazar Getty as a regular on the show is rooting from the thought that there was nothing else to be done with his character Tommy. He was absent from several episodes in season 3 only to return for the finale in May. Executive Producer Alison Schapker once said that "Tommy is in no way permanently gone" and that there is a "logical end to this year's story" which will bring him back in a different way.
Labels: TV Shows