Monday, May 16, 2011


Fum the cat leaps into the air to join his friend Gerba the owl

Watch out mice! This owl and pussycat really have become the best of friends and they're attracting thousands of fans with a hit youtube video.

The amazing footage shows Fum the cat and Gebra the owl playing together in the open countryside.

Best of friends: Fum and Gebra enjoy a tender moment

A peck on the cheek: The two animals are believed to have been friends from an early age

The pair clearly enjoy each others' company - every time Gerba comes in to land it's next to her four-legged friend who trots up to greet her with a friendly rub and purr.

It is believed the animals get on so well together because they have been pals since they were young.

It is also likely that they have bonded over a mutual instinct to hunt rodents.
Clearly Gerba is the boss in this relationship - when Tum gets a little too excited she gives him a friendly little peck to calm him down.

Did someone mention a mouse? Tum the cat and Gerba the owl share a hunting instinct

But most of the time the pair get on amazingly well. They play-fight and give each other kisses on the cheek.

It is unclear where the video is from but the poster is based in Spain.

In the famous Edward Lear poem, opposite, the Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat.

But this pair are clearly more interested in taking to the skies.

Unfortunately for the furry Fum all he can do is leap into the air when his feathery pal swoops back and forth over his head or climb up into a tree.

Showing off: Feather and fur in purr-fect harmony

Cat and owl playing

source: dailymail


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