Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Peru, Natalie Vértiz, 19
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Philippines, Shamcey Supsup, 25
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Poland, Rozalia Mancewicz, 24
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Portugal, Laura Gonçalves, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil.
Puerto Rico, Viviana Ortiz, 24
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Romania, Larisa Popa, 24
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Russia, Natalia Gantimurova, 19
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Serbia, Anja Šaranović, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Singapore, Valerie Lim, 25
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Slovak Republic, Dagmar Kolesárová, 20
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Slovenia, Ema Jagodič, 21
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. South Africa, Bokang Montjane, 24
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Spain, Paula Guilló, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Sri Lanka, Stephanie Siriwardhana, 23
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Sweden, Ronnia Fornstedt, 20
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Switzerland, Kerstin Cook, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Tanzania, Nelly Kamwelu, 18
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Thailand, Chanyasorn Sakornchan, 20
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Trinidad & Tobago, Gabrielle Walcott, 27
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Turkey, Melisa Aslı Pamuk, 20
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. U.S. Virgin Islands, Alexandrya Evans, 25
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Ukraine, Olesya Stefanko, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Uruguay, Fernanda Semino, 18
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. USA, Alyssa Campanella, 21
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Venezuela, Vanessa Gonçalves, 25
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil. Vietnam, Vũ Thị Hoàng My, 22
She will spend the next 3 weeks appearing at events and preparing to compete in the 2011 MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET broadcast LIVE on NBC from Credicard Hall in Såo Paulo, Brazil.
source: Missuniverse
Labels: Beauty pageant, Miss Universe 2011