Thursday, October 22, 2009

No confirmation from the music star herself on whether or not she has quit Twitter, but it is reported that she has also ditched her MySpace account.

Lily Allen is the next celebrity who quits popular networking site Twitter after Miley Cyrus and Courtney Love should Perez Hilton is to be believed. The gossip blogger has announced in a short post on his Twitter, "RIP Lily Allen. It seems like she's left Twitter for good!"

And while Perez provides no further explanation on the not-yet-confirmed story, The Daily Mirror reports the British songstress has quit not only Twitter, but also MySpace and email. Greater than that, she is said to have given away her computer, Macbook and BlackBerry to avoid temptation. She, in the meantime, only keeps home phone and an old mobile as a mean of communication.

"We thought she was joking, but it's been a month since she last Twittered," one of her friends testifies. "Before then you could always get a response from her straight away. No matter what time of day or where she was, she'd be glued to her BlackBerry. Now you have to leave a message on her home answer phone."

"She does have a clapped out old mobile phone, but you're lucky to get her on that because she keeps leaving it when she goes out," adds the friend. "She was so obsessed with the next new thing that it has shocked everyone. It's like she's back in the 80s."

Meanwhile, a suggestion has come to the surface that Lily quits Twitter because it may put her relationship with current boyfriend Sam Cooper on the rocks. Lily herself stated recently, "My boyfriend gets really angry. He's like: 'I want to spend some time with you, do we have to have one and a half million people in the room with us?' I'm like, 'Yes, shut up!' " And a friend of her confirms, "Sam was fed up. He told Lily: 'It's me or Twitter.' And she chose him."

An official statement is yet to be made by Lily if she really quits Twitter. Her last tweet dated September 28, however, indicated so as it read, "I am a neo-luddite, goodbye." Neo-luddite itself comes from the word neo-luddism, which is a personal philosophy against technology.



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