Monday, November 30, 2009
At the end of 2010 NRJ Music Awards trailer, Lady GaGa is seen slapping French radio host Niko Aliagas. Trailer for the 11th Annual NRJ Music Awards has been offered, featuring Lady GaGa slapping presenter for the gala ceremony, Nikos Aliagas. The dance queen is seen landing her hand hard on Nikos' cheek after the French radio host asks her about what she will do on January 23, the day the awards is kicked off.
Also shown in the promotional ad are nomination recipients for the forthcoming show. The likes of Mika, Rihanna, David Guetta, Lily Allen, Robbie Williams and Black Eyed Peas encourage fans to vote for them.
2009 NRJ Music Awards is going to be held in Cannes, French. Also appearing on its nominations list are Tokio Hotel, Jay-Z, U2 and Green Day among other international stars. Its winners will be determined through online voting on the award's official website.
Labels: Music
One of the Upper East Siders is seriously hurt in a car crash, ironically on the anniversary of Bart Bass' death. The last episode of "Gossip Girl" airing this year will witness Serena hurt in a car accident. In "The Debarted", a serious car accident rocks the Upper East Side on the anniversary of Bart Bass' death. During the same time, Chuck wrestles with an issue from the past.
Meanwhile, Dan and Vanessa attempt to navigate their newly complicated friendship. When Jenny is accused of beating up one of her classmates, Eric is faced with a tough dilemma.
"The Debarted" is slated to air next week on December 7. After that, "Gossip" will take a six-week worth of break to give the time slot to newbie "Life Unexpected". The third season of "Gossip" is expected to commence on March 8.
In the meantime, there is a report that Taylor Momsen who plays Jenny is not pleased at how her music is not utilized in the show like Leighton Meester's is. "Taylor is not happy that Gossip Girl has been playing Leighton's music on the show, and they have never asked to play any of her songs. It's creating a lot of tension on set," a source tells HollywoodLife.com.
Meester's songs "Good Girls Go Bad" and "Somebody to Love" have been used in two separate episodes this season. Momsen herself is a musician, being the vocalist of grunge band The Pretty Reckless.
Labels: TV Shows
Beside giving the first look at the silver-armored character, the new image also exposes Iron Man in his slightly upgraded armor.
Paramount Pictures has released a promotional poster for upcoming action film "Iron Man 2". Making its way out via Yahoo! Movies, the image gives the first official look at War Machine, Tony Stark's best friend who wears silver armor. Additionally, the picture also exposes Iron Man in his slightly upgraded armor and features simple tagline "2" instead of the film's full title.
In the "Iron Man" sequel, War Machine and his alter ego Col James 'Rhodey' Rhodes will be portrayed by Don Cheadle after Terrence Howard, who took the role in the first film, quit the project. "I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes," Howard said about his exit. "Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations aren't always held up."
Though Howard will not be seen in the next film, Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow will reprise their roles as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. The forthcoming movie will additionally introduce Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. Joining them in the star-studded cast ensemble are Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko / Whiplash and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.
As of late, director Jon Favreau claimed the follow-up to the 2008 film has begun to take on its final look as digital animated shots started to come in. Later, via his Twitter page, the helmer also hinted that the first trailer may arrive in December, when another Downey Jr.'s film, "Sherlock Holmes", hits U.S. theaters. Penned by Justin Theroux, "Iron Man 2" is slated to be released in the U.S. on May 7, 2010.
Labels: Movies
He says he is disappointed to back out of the tournament, which will take place later this week, but is confident the event will be outstanding. Citing injuries he suffered from a single car crash he experienced over the weekend, Tiger Woods has dropped out of the Chevron World Challenge, which will take place this week in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Announcing the matter on his website, he writes, "I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week. I am certain it will be an outstanding event and I'm very sorry that I can't be there."
It is stated further on the site that the golfer "will not participate in any other tournaments in 2009 and will return to action next year." Commenting on Woods' withdrawal from the upcoming competition, Greg McLaughlin, Tiger Woods Foundation President & CEO, says, "We support Tiger's decision and are confident the strong field and excellent course will provide an exciting week of competition at the Chevron World Challenge."
Woods, 33, had been expected to attend the annual tournament at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, Calif., which benefits his Tiger Woods Foundation. The four-day tournament will be kicked off this coming Thursday, December 3.
In related report, Woods also cancels a scheduled news conference for the Tiger Woods Foundation on Tuesday, December 1. Of the matter, Rachel Rees, public relations manager for the foundation, confirms, "The press conference with Tiger Woods previously scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 1:45 P.M. has been canceled. We will provide you with any other press conference updates regarding the Chevron World Challenge field as they become available."
source: aceshowbiz.com
Labels: Celebrity Gossip
Ecuadorean scientist Xavier Carvajal displays biofuel in a test tube in the Neotropical Centre for Biomass Research at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Quito November 30, 2009. Carvajal runs a research project focused on finding new sources for the production of ethanol fuel. New yeast species which are endemic to Ecuador, have been found and some are believed to be potentially useful for the fermentation of a wide range of sugars that can then be used to produce ethanol.
credit photo: Reuters
Labels: Science
China's Health Ministry is finally ready to fight AIDS. That alone won't be good enough. Cuizi'en, the first openly gay man in China, came out in 1990.
By Duncan Hewitt
Government officials in China, a nation where the response to HIV has long been hampered by a reticence to discuss sexual matters in public, are finally getting real about AIDS. The Ministry of Health's announcement last week that "sexual transmission is now the main cause of new HIV cases" made headlines around the country, and was underlined by new TV public-awareness ads repeating the message. The French-educated health minister, Chen Zhu, broke another major taboo when he announced publicly that almost one third of new infections were among male homosexuals. It's a big shift from the government's traditional attitude that HIV mainly affects drug users and people who sell blood at illegal "blood-collecting stations."
But while the government may finally have apprehended the scope of the problem, plenty of ordinary Chinese people haven't caught on yet. Local police crackdowns on drug users and prostitutes work at cross-purposes with health workers and activists, and the public remains resistant to overt promotion of the use of condoms. Discrimination against gays and ignorance about STDs remain ingrained, and the government is still skittish about working with NGOs it can't control, even if they have better data and reach more people. A determined Health Ministry may not be enough to counter enduring attitudes.
Beijing's more enlightened outlook springs from a realization that HIV is increasingly threatening the mainstream population. A prediction made by the U.N. a decade ago that China could have 10 million cases by 2010 has not come to pass, but the country registered 48,000 new cases over the past year, and official estimates put the number of people now living with HIV at 740,000. And with surveys showing a 5 percent infection rate among prostitutes in some parts of the country, UNAIDS fears that "between 20 million and 50 million people are at risk," particularly among China's poorly educated migrant workers, many of whom are single men living far away from their families.
Meanwhile, the rapid growth of China's gay scene (following the decriminalizing of homosexuality in 1997 and the delisting of homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder in 2001) has led to what Dr. Bernhard Schwartländer, head of UNAIDS in China, calls "a massive epidemic among men who have sex with men." Gay or bisexual men accounted for 32 percent of new infections this year, and the Ministry of Health's first-ever survey of China's gay community recently found infection rates of 15 to 18 percent in a number of cities. Schwartländer sees "a huge gap between the information available and the opening up of the society," with the result that "HIV is hitting a fairly unprepared upcoming population, which is now at very, very high risk."
The Ministry of Health insists that it is ready to tackle the problem. Hao Yang, deputy director of its Department of Disease Control, says, "We've recently taken measures so that the government would not discriminate" against gay groups. Yet he acknowledges that changing ingrained attitudes, particularly among local governments, remains a challenge. Schwartländer says that sporadic police crackdowns on prostitution and drug use often set back attempts to work with these high-risk groups: "We have seen very good examples where the police work very closely with the health authorities," he acknowledges. "But problems still exist, such as campaigns against sex work where they check women, and if they find a condom they put them in jail—so it's more dangerous for them to carry condoms, which is a real issue." Crackdowns on gay bars, he adds, still take place in some smaller cities, and similarly risk driving the gay population underground.
And other forms of discrimination, says Schwartländer, remain "enormously high" in Chinese society: one U.N. survey showed that half of respondents would not want to work with someone who was HIV-positive, while one quarter would not shake hands with them. Such attitudes, he says, along with a lack of free access to health care for rural migrants in China's cities, discourage many people from even having an HIV test. Campaigns to change the attitudes "within families, where there is often still a very conservative environment," are also necessary, he adds. Continuing reluctance to promote the use of condoms in AIDS-related public-service announcements on prime-time, mainstream TV is another sign of China's awkwardness in discussing sex—a throwback not only to traditional decorum but also the puritanical decades of the early communist era.
Thomas Cai, founder of the NGO AIDS Care China, meanwhile, notes that those who are diagnosed often do not dare to tell friends or even family for fear of being ostracized. Cai's organization has now set up more than 20 "Red Ribbon" care centers at hospitals around China to offer "psychological and social support" to such people. It's something he says the authorities seem unable to provide—even though they do now promise free antiretroviral treatment to all those diagnosed with HIV. "Their approach is primarily medical," says Cai. "We need more civil-society organizations to do the work of raising public awareness and advocacy to combat stigmatization."
But this is another sensitive area: the Chinese government remains suspicious about the role of civil society and NGOs, and tight rules mean that many remain unregistered and hence technically illegal, or can register only as businesses, which hampers their ability to raise funds and work with official bodies. Hao Yang of the Ministry of Health says his department is now "very open" on the matter, and is encouraging officially registered organizations to "help NGOs which are not legally registered to gain registration and provide them with funding." Indeed, some 20 percent of a major grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will, he says, be earmarked for NGOs in the coming years, in the belief that they can do more effective outreach work to groups such as the gay community.
Recognizing the hurdles that face the government's fight against AIDS, Cai says NGOs also need to share research with the authorities, and do more than simply criticize. Otherwise HIV will continue to spread rapidly. But Cai says he's concerned that official support and funding will still go mainly to government-affiliated bodies such as labor unions and Communist Party Youth League branches, rather than to real grassroots organizations. There are still more taboos to be overcome in China's fight against AIDS.
source: Newsweek.com
Labels: Health
MADRID, SPAIN - NOVEMBER 30: Bottle of Moet & Chandon to be auctioned in Moet & Chandon benefit auction at Bellas Artes Circle on November 30, 2009 in Madrid, Spain.
credit photo: Gettyimages
Labels: Other
Pick your players and grab an elephant (or granny) -- these sports are definitely 'unique'
1. Seoul, Korea: Penguin soccer
To promote its participation in the 2002 World Cup, South Korean organizers rounded up a team of small penguins. The rookies donned colorful jerseys and punted a miniature soccer ball. Despite the haphazard game, the fangirls were visibly charmed.
2. Southeast Asia: Elephant polo
Swap the horses for elephants and you’ve got pachyderm polo. Two riders sit on each beast: one steers the animal; the other strikes at balls with a wicket. According to legend, the game originated in Nepal after a drinking bout. Today, it’s popular all over Southeast Asia. There’s even an annual World Elephant Polo Championship.
3. Mikame, Japan: Pig rodeo
Let me set the scene: You’re perched on top of a 140 kg bucking beast, trying desperately to hang on for a chance at ¥50,000. The ferocious animal isn’t a steer or a bull… but a one-year-old pig. Mikame’s one-of-a-kind rodeo has been a summer tradition for 26 years. The video reveals that few contestants are able to mount a pig for more than a few seconds
4. Ito, Japan: Laundry tub race
For 54 years, Ito residents have been going “rub-a-dub-dub.” Every July, hundreds of competitors squeeze their bums into a laundry tub and paddle furiously down Matsukawa River. The race is a tip of the hat to those who formerly washed clothes on the river banks. Some participants don costumes -- beer hats, Groucho Marx glasses -- and more than a few makeshift boats capsize.
5. Beijing, China: Hip hop grannies
A group of Chinese grandmas started a hip hop group -- insert ambulance joke here. But wait until you see them in colorful headbands and baggy urban wear, popping and locking without any sign of arthritis. 68-year-old leader Mrs. Wu initially met resistance from friends, who told her the dance was only performed by “bad people at the bottom of the society.” But she prevailed and now has a 60-strong posse with an average age of 57.
source: cnngo.com
Labels: Sports
It's ingenious! White frosting, black icing and intricate henna designs on cupcakes -- for all your girlfriends on your wedding mehndi day Our ever hungry research has discovered something truly novel this week -- mehndi henna cupcakes.
I immediately called Namrata Narang and Sangeeta Kulkarni of Cupcakes & Co here in Mumbai and Namrata told me how they're "happy to customize cupcakes and give them an Indian touch otherwise what's the fun, they all look the same."
"For a client's mehndi celebration, as part of her wedding, we took coconuts which are considered to be auspicious, and beetle leaves and iced the cupcakes in orange to resemble marigold flowers, which are the traditional flower for most Indian weddings and religious ceremonies."
And the beautiful black and white henna cupcakes, I presumed were done by mehndi waalis, who are the traditional henna artists for weddings, but the Cupcakes & Co girls did that themselves too. They're full of ideas and initiative.
Call Cupcakes & Co at +91 99209 76000 to place your order.
Come back for our feature on the best cupcakes in Mumbai, on CNNGo later this week.
source: cnngo.com
Labels: Foods
Free runners are famous for their wild jumps off buildings. But there's more to this discipline than action film moves While most people choose to walk along a sidewalk to get somewhere, free runners utilize their whole environment. This includes jumping off walls and climbing over fences.
A gaggle of women are bouncing in unison in front of the main stadium at Thammasat University’s Rangsit campus, fueled by an absurd techno beat. If any of them notices they're in the presence of a superhero, they don’t show it. Bangkok’s parkour "Spiderman," meanwhile, is busy scuttling up walls and hopping over rails.
For Shayan Naveed, 24, it's just a walk in the park, something he does two or three times a week.
“A lot of people watch the videos of parkour and they think it’s all about jumping off buildings,” he says. “But there’s more to it than that.”
Parkour, or free running, is a physical activity in which people traverse obstacles in their path in one fluid motion using various athletic skills, such as jumping, vaulting and climbing.
“I started doing this in about 2005 when 'Tom Yum Goong' came out,” says Naveed, who’s studying for his master’s at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) “I was always watching Jackie Chan movies and was fascinated by them. A friend of mine then came over from the U.S. and introduced me to parkour.”
It looks fun on the big screen, seeing the likes of Jackie Chan bust out fancy moves to evade the baddies, but pakour isn’t to be taken lightly, says Naveed, who is equally happy free running by himself or training others.
“I had a guy from Pakistan doing it, but he shattered his shoulder when he tried to jump a gap he’d seen some of us doing,” he adds.
Naveed has seen 90 percent of his parkour pals come and go over the years, many of them quitting once they realize it isn’t all about movie-like action sequences.
“When I first started doing it, it was a lot of fun,” he says. “I wanted to do big gaps and moves. Now it’s become a lot more philosophical. It gets me away from stress. Just getting the fundamentals down is the challenge, building my flow.”
The big moves no longer hold any appeal for Naveed, whose previous injuries include a popped elbow, twisted ankle and numerous cuts and bruises.
Bangkok being the urban jungle it is, Naveed says there are lots of potential parkour spots: the grounds at the Thammasat Rangsit campus are chock full of obstacles, as are parks such as Benjasiri (next to Emporium), Chatuchak and Queen Sirikit (Chatuchak district).
Although Naveed often does parkour solo, he’s always on the hunt for new recruits keen to learn the art of jump. One of Naveed’s current sidekicks is 23-year-old Zuhaib Khan, a fellow AIT student who got a kick out of parkour videos on Youtube and wanted to try it for himself.
“I find it fascinating, but I’m just a beginner,” says gangly Khan. “It’s fun, but when you’re starting, you need some guidance. Some of the moves are easy for me, but others are more dangerous.”
Physical conditioning has an impact on a person’s ability to do parkour, said Naveed, adding that those who come from sporting backgrounds usually find it easier to come to grips with the fundamental aspects of free running, such as balance and agility.
source: cnngo.com
Labels: Sports
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Beyonce is inspired by her sister Solange Knowles and wants to record something out-of-the-box by working with indie artists.
Beyonce Knowles recently said during an interview that she would like to collaborate with unsigned artists for her next year release. She said the idea was inspired by her sister/singer Solange Knowles.
"There's so many people I'd like to work with still, but I'd like to maybe go outside of the box," Beyonce told The Observer. "My sister [Solange] has put me on to bands like [indie group] Of Montreal and some other different types of artists. I would love to do something like that on my next album."
Beyonce Knowles announced her plan to release a fourth solo studio album during her last U.K. stop of "I Am..." tour in Nottingham earlier this month. "This is my last show for this tour in the U.K., so hopefully, I'll see you all in a year with a new album," so she said at that time.
Beyonce recently dropped "I Am...Sasha Fierce [2nd Deluxe Edition]" and a DVD album "I Am...Yours. An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas" across U.S. on November 23. In the second deluxe package, she adds an extended version of "Video Phone" in which she makes a duet with Lady GaGa.
Labels: Music
Dexter is in desperate move to stop Debra from catching Trinity and he threatens the serial killer to bring him some money. Dexter's worst fears have been realized. Because of Debra's unrelenting pursuit, Miami Metro is just one step away from discovering the identity of the Trinity Killer. And Dexter can't let that happen. Arthur's arrest would not only deprive Dexter of a satisfying kill, it would also expose the secret life Dexter's been leading in his pursuit of this monster.
Dexter must take drastic action to buy himself time to deal with Trinity in his own fashion. Meanwhile, Rita decides to confide in Dexter, which doesn't go as well as she'd hoped. LaGuerta and Batista's breach of ethics paints them into a very tight corner. And Arthur, who still can't understand why Dexter didn't simply turn him in, begins his own bloody investigation into Kyle Butler.
"Dexter" airs the episode before the season finale on Sunday, December 6. Two clips have been released, one covering the phone conversation between Trinity and Dexter in which Dexter asks for money, and the other focusing on the interrogation of Christine.
source: aceshowbiz.com
Labels: TV Shows
'New Moon' Drops 70 Percent in Ticket Sales, Still Tops Box Office
0 comments Posted by st at 9:19 PMDespite the big decline, the 'Twilight' sequel has managed to return to the first place after being beaten by 'The Blind Side' on Thanksgiving. For the second straight weeks, "The Twilight Saga's New Moon" became the champion of North American box office. The second installment of the vampire drama film series collected an estimated $42.5 million over the last weekend or 70% less than the previous week haul of $142.8 million.
Internationally, the "Twilight" sequel has grossed $243 million on its first ten days. Speaking about the film's achievement, Richard Fay, the president of domestic distribution for Summit, said "the movie continued to do strong repeat business from mostly teenage girls who are fans of the movies and books, and it was able to expand its audiences to include older women."
Following "New Moon" was "The Blind Side", which won over the Kristen Stewart-starring movie during Thanksgiving holiday. The Sandra Bullock football drama film took in $40.1 million in its second week. The Rolland Emmerich's apocalyptic movie "2012 (2009)", meanwhile, dropped 31.8% in ticket sales with $18.0 million and secured the third place.
Making a quite impressive work on this weekend box office was "Old Dogs", which has just been released on November 25. The comedy film starring John Travolta and Robin Williams grossed approximately $16.8 million and landed the fourth spot. Sitting on the fifth place, in the meantime, was Disney's "A Christmas Carol (2009)" with $16.0 million intake.
Top Ten Movies at Box Office for November 27-29:
1. "The Twilight Saga's New Moon" - $42.5 million
2. "The Blind Side" - $40.1 million
3. "2012 (2009)" - $18.0 million
4. "Old Dogs" - $16.8 million
5. "A Christmas Carol (2009)" - $16.0 million
6. "Ninja Assassin" - $13.1 million
7. "Planet 51" - $10.2 million
8. "Precious: Based on the Novel PUSH by Sapphire" - $7.1 million
9. "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" - $7.0 million
10."The Men Who Stare at Goats" - $1.5 million
source: aceshowbiz.com
Labels: Movies
Despite mounting reports to the contrary, Rachel insists she never has an affair with the golfer and denies knowing the "friends" who put the story in the press. Rachel Uchitel, the mistress romantically linked to Tiger Woods, has denied she is having an affair with the golfer. In a candid interview with FOX News Channel on Saturday, November 28, she claimed the mounting affair story, which was first brought to the surface by National Enquirer, was made-up.
"I never crossed paths with Tiger in Melbourne - not in a restaurant, not in the gym, not in the lobby, nothing," Uchitel insisted during the interview when referring to on-going claim that she hooked up with Woods in Australia. The 33-year-old, moreover, denied knowing the two "friends" that put the much-talked affair story in the press.
"This is not something I want to be involved with at all," Rachel was quoted as claiming, "I'm not trying to go out there saying I'm having an affair with Tiger Woods."
The day before, November 27, just minutes after Woods' single car crash, Rachel spoke to Us Weekly, stating "I did not have an affair with Tiger Woods. I met him twice and have not heard from him since." She, additionally, wished him well, but added "this has nothing to do with me. I don't understand why anyone would think this is anything to do with me."
On the same occasion, Rachel also told the publication that she has contacted National Enquirer and offered to take a polygraph to prove the truth. The media refused it though. "They told me it was too late and the story was running anyway," said Rachel. In a conversation days before Woods' crash, Rachel also insisted her innocence.
By Sunday morning, November 29, Rachel was spotted arriving at LAX and was greeted by top notch lawyer Gloria Allred, who told photographers that "at some point we'll decide what the next step is," but refused to offer further detail.
source: aceshowbiz.com
Labels: Celebrity Gossip
A fixture in the shape of a Christmas tree is reflected on the glass entrance to the metro station at Puerta del Sol in Madrid November 27, 2009.
A Christmas tree decoration that reads "Merry Christmas" is displayed at the Christkindelsmaerik (the Christ Child market) in Strasbourg November 28, 2009. Held annually since 1570, Strasbourg's Christ Child Market , known as the oldest French Christmas market, started on Saturday.
WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 27: First Lady Michelle Obama (2nd R) and daughters Sasha (C) and Malia (R) welcome Eric and Gloria Sundback (L), who donated the official White House Christmas Tree, at the North Portico of the White House on November 27, 2009 in Washington, DC. The 18 and a half foot Douglas fir will stand in the Blue Room throughout the holidays.
WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 27: First lady Michelle Obama welcomes the White House Christmas Tree at the North Portico of the White House on November 27, 2009 in Washington, DC. The 18 and a half foot Douglas fir was donated by Eric and Gloria Sundback of Shepherdstown, West Virginia; the tree will stand in the Blue Room throughout the holidays.
credit photo: Reuters
Labels: Festival
Dmitry Lapikov of Russia fails his attempt in the clean and jerk of the men's group A 105-kilogram category of the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, west of Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009. Dmitry won the silver medal scoring total of 416 kilograms.
Overall gold medallist Marcin Dolega of Poland (C), silver medallist Dmitry Lapikov of Russia (L) and bronze medalist Albert Kuzilov of Georgia pose on the podium after the men's 105kg weightlifting competition at the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, north of Seoul, November 29, 2009.
Gold medalist Marcin Dolega of Poland, center, silver medalist Dmitry Lapikov of Russia and bronze medalist Albert Kuzilov of Georgia, in black, listen to Poland's national anthem during a medal ceremony of the men's group A 105-kilogram category of the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, west of Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009. Dolega lifted a total of 421 kilograms.
Albert Kuzilov of Georgia competes in the men's 105kg weightlifting clean and jerk competition at the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, north of Seoul, November 29, 2009. Kuzilov won the overall bronze medal at the event.
Gia Machavariani of Georgia fails his attempt in the men's 105kg weightlifting snatch competition at the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, north of Seoul, November 29, 2009.
An Yong-kwon of South Korea fails his attempt in the men's +105kg weightlifting snatch competition at the World Weightlifting Championships in Goyang, north of Seoul, November 29, 2009.
credit photo: AP
Labels: Sports
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Beside featuring commentaries from several filmmakers and cast for the George Clooney's drama film, the snippet also exposes the major character who does not have a personal life. Paramount Pictures has released a new featurette for drama comedy film "Up in the Air". Making its way out via Apple, the snippet presents a commentary from director Jason Reitman about George Clooney's Ryan Bingham as well as shows the making of the film.
Additionally, in the sneak peek video, several actresses also talked about working on the upcoming movie. The snippet, moreover, gives a look at the life of Bingham, who does not have a personal life and he numbs himself with sex, booze and drugs.
Based on 2001 novel by Walter Kirn of the same title, "Up in the Air" revolves around a corporate downsizing expert whose cherished life on the road is threatened just as he is on the cusp of reaching ten million frequent flyer miles and just after he's met the frequent-traveler woman of his dreams. Beside George Clooney, the film is also starred by Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick.
source: aceshowbiz.com
Labels: Movies
NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009
0 comments Posted by st at 10:05 PM Vancouver Canucks Ryan Kesler (R) watches a shot from teammate Mikael Samuelsson beat Edmonton Oilers Devan Dubnyk (L) during third period NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009.
Vancouver Canucks' Christian Ehrhoff (C) celebrates his goal against the Edmonton Oilers with teammates Mikael Samuelsson (L) and Alexander Edler during first period NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009.
Vancouver Canucks Darcy Hordichuk (R) trips Edmonton Oilers Jason Strudwick during first period NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009.
Vancouver Canucks Henrik Sedin (R) is stopped by Edmonton Oilers Devan Dubnyk during second period NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009.
Vancouver Canucks' Darcy Hordichuk (R) hits Edmonton Oilers' Zack Stortini during second period NHL hockey action in Vancouver, British Columbia November 28, 2009.
credit photo: Reuters
Labels: Sports
Shanghai’s metro system isn’t only for getting around, it has some of the best shopping this city has to offer -- all without stepping foot into Shanghai’s winter weather
Your real holiday shopping might be weeks away, but you need to start your recon now to do it well -- and what's easier than gift buying on your walk home through the subway? The metro malls are a shoppers best friend if you know how to navigate them.
Best time to go metro shopping:
Weekdays in the early afternoon. Expect a lot of shoppers on Sundays and, of course, rush hours are always busy.
Dress code:
It may be cold outside, but in the subways, it’s nice and warm. In some places, a little too warm. Wear a coat that you don’t mind carrying.
Getting there
Take Line 1 to Xujiahui station to find the Meiluocheng shopping mall.
Take Line 1, 2 or 8 to People’s Square station (Renmin Guangchang ditie zhan) and its underground shopping complex, 1930 Fengqing Jie.
Take Line 3 or 4 to Zhongshan Park station for the Longzhimeng shopping mall.
Take Line 2 to Jing'an Temple station.
Making the purchase
Although there's plenty to buy (and some stores will take UnionPay), there are very few ATMs below ground so play it safe and bring cash.
Metro shopping: Meiluocheng Mall, Xujiahui 1. How better to wish someone happy holidays then with chocolates and stuffed animals? If you know a girlie girl, this is the present for her. Find this chocolate and bears gift (and just about any other pink object) at La Barnie (Guo Zi Muchang) near Xujiahui subway station's exit 9 to Meiluocheng Mall. Prices vary with bouquet, but the one in the photo is RMB 199.
2. You don't have to be a shoe gazer to love these punk, glossy red "leather" Doc Martins (RMB 899) from Really Town Shoes. Bonus score: Colored socks free with each pair of shoes. These kicks are located inside the Xujiahui subway station, near exit 14.
Metro shopping: People's Square Station/1930 Fengqing 1. Who says an iPhone has to be your only toy? So not true. This F-45 Phantom model kit is just one of the assortment of reasonably-priced models available (under RMB 50 per set) that's perfect for the kid in you -- or any kid in your life. Find the Model Shop inside People’s Square subway station (#1-101) by exit 17.
2. Nothing like a few accessories to spruce up an holiday outfit. Get last minute necklaces, watches and small gifts (you need to get the hostess something) at Li Pin #2 in the underground shopping mall in People’s Square subway station by exit 2.
3. Guanjie xiong (movable bears) are a local favorite -- and really they're just kind of awesome. Think of them as grown-up teddy bears. Guanjie xiong come in just about any color or design for less than RMB 100. Find an assortment of bears at INMAX (#S-F) in 1930 Fengqing Jie in People’s Square subway station.
4. Flash back to earlier times when a Wii wasn't on every 3-year-old's Christmas wish list with these children’s rocking horses (RMB 198). These and so many other great kid’s toys are available at Gogowoo (store #4, 2A), one of the many gezi dian (small goods shops) located in People’s Square subway station's 1930 Fengqing Jie.
Metro shopping: Zhongshan Park 1. Candy is dandy during the holiday but jelly beans are great year-round. Stopping here is a great alternative to buying expensive imported jelly bean brands -- and with jelly beans in hand, you'll be welcome just about anywhere you're heading. The jelly bean shop is located in the underground food court inside Zhongshan Park subway station (Basement level 2, #B2004).
2. Honey for your honey? Available in flavors and prices to please all honey-lovers, this natural sugar is at Sen Feng Yuan (#2012) in the underground of the Longzhimeng shopping mall, next to Carrefour.
Metro shopping: Jing'an Temple 1. Tibetan dong chong xia cao ("winter insect summer grass" or caterpillar fungi) is said to have great health benefits (in traditional Chinese medicine it's used as an aphrodisiac and as a treatment for a variety of ailments from fatigue to cancer), and is priced to match at RMB 500-2,000 a piece. Find this gift of health at Rong He Tang Yan Wo in the Jing’an Temple subway station, City Plaza, level B1.
source: CNNGO.com
Labels: Festival