Wednesday, November 4, 2009
'I appeal to your highest sense of decency, respect and common sense in urging you to preempt this episode,' the television council head said in an open letter. "Gossip Girl" very special episode of threesome which is scheduled to air on Monday, November 9 is under threat of not being aired. The Parents Television Council (PTC) has released an open letter to The CW that they are objecting to the idea of such scene. They claimed such moves are "reckless and irresponsible".
" 'Gossip Girl' routinely depicts teenage characters engaging in promiscuous and consequence-free sexual behavior, and that's bad enough," PTC president Tim Winter wrote. "But will you now be complicit in establishing a precedent and expectation that teenagers should engage in behaviors heretofore associated primarily with adult films?"
Winter said they will put a fine should the government agree with them about the episode content. The episode called "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?" is not yet aired but PTC has heard about it through reports like the one from EW which spilled that there would be three characters engaged in a sex activity on the same bed. "PTC will monitor this episode very closely," the council warned The CW.
On the last few notes, Winter said, "Finally, you must ask yourself, how does airing this program serve your obligation to serve the public interest?" when referring to Federal Communications Commission's rule which can yank any "unsatisfactory or unsuitable or contrary to public interest" program.
The CW has not publicly responded to the letter but has released two clips from the episode instead. They contain no scene of the threesome for sources said the racy tryst will occur in the end of the episode.
Clip 1
Labels: Entertainment, TV Shows