Sunday, August 29, 2010
By Daily Mail Reporter Ring of truth: Singer Harry Connick Junior points to his wedding band as he's interviewed by Larry King and speaks up for his close friend Sandra Bullock
Singer Harry Connick Junior has described his pal Sandra Bullock as an 'incredible woman' whom he would 'thank God' to have as a wife.
The actor and jazz pianist gushed about the Oscar-winning actress as he discussed her relentless commitment to his beloved home city of New Orleans, devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
When asked by talk show host Larry King about Bullock's recent traumas over the breakdown of her marriage, Connick Jnr - who is happily married - seemed to send out a stark message to her cheating soon-to-be-ex-husband Jesse James.
'I think Sandy is an incredible woman and she doesn't need my prayers, she's so strong,' he said, during Friday night's special episode to mark the five-year anniversary of the deadly hurricane.
'I pray for her and I send her emails and tell her I love her and I hope she's doing well.
'That woman is one of the fiercest, strongest most dedicated people I know.
'It's sucks, man. Let's put it this way, if she was my wife I would be on my knees thanking God that I had a woman like that.
'Everybody's different but I know her pretty well. Like my wife now, I wouldn't screw that up for all the money in the world, for anything.'
Pointing to his own wedding ring, he added: 'This means a lot.
Model mother: Sandra Bullock pictured earlier this month with her adopted baby Louis in her arms
'It's a pretty serious commitment, I'm not passing judgment on anyone but whoever ends up with her (Bullock) for good is gonna be one lucky son of a gun.
'I know her son doesn't even know how lucky he is.'
Connick Jnr, 42, also hailed Hollywood movie star Brad Pitt for his efforts to rebuild the southern city - but surprisingly revealed that he had yet to meet him.
'I think it's great,' he said. 'Right after the storm I heard about his involvement and I wrote him a note to thank him for his commitment.
Pucker up: Harry Connick Junior with his former Victoria's Secret model wife Jill Goodacre.
'He's very well known and well liked and we need all the help we can get. He's really committed to it, he's down here all the time doing a great job.
'He's a God send and I just hope that one day I can meet him and shake his hand and say "thank you" in person.'
Opening up about his own losses from the hurricane, which killed more than 1,800 people and caused £60 billion in properly damage, Connick Jnr told how he broke down in tears in front of his children for the first time.
'None of us had ever been through anything like that before, we tried to march through it as best we could,' said the songwriter, who has three daughters with former Victoria's Secret model Jill Goodacre.
'I just completely lost it. Two of my kids were there looking at me, they had never seen me cry before.
In happier times: Sandra Bullock and her ex-husband Jesse James after she won her Oscar earlier this year
'It was impossible not to be affected by it, it was one of the most devastating things I'd ever seen.
'This is you home, your country it was very, very difficult to witness.'
Connick Jnr, who now lives in Connecticut, says he could not even face picking up a pen to write music in the aftermath of the tragedy.
'There are some things I can't write about, terrible personal tragedies,' he said.
Though his own relatives came through the natural disaster unharmed, the house he had grown up in was ultimately destroyed.
source: dailymail
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