Tuesday, August 10, 2010

By Daily Mail Reporter

Novel use: Taylor Swift went surfing on her Teen Choice trophy in Japan

On the mantelpiece, in the hallway, even on the wall of the toilet - there are plenty of places for celebrities to keep their awards.

But Taylor Swift has a novel new use for hers. The country singer took her surfboard Teen Choice trophy surfing.

Unable to attend the ceremony, she instead tried out the board on a lake in Japan.

The singer could not make the glitzy Los Angeles ceremony on Sunday because she is on tour in the country.

Instead of attending she was sent her surfboard award and was determined to put it to the test.

Wearing a purple and black wetsuit, Swift jumped into a lake with the board in a videotaped acceptance speech.

Couldn't make it: Taylor is on tour and couldn't fly back from Japan

There she splashed around before slipping under the flat and calm water with a smile on her face.

Not being able to attend the awards conveniently meant Swift avoided bumping into her ex - Joe Jonas.

Joe must have been equally relieved, he only just avoided bumping his other ex-girlfriend, Demi Lovato, on the red carpet.

Lucky coincidence: With her ex Joe Jonas at the awards, she avoided seeing him

source: dailymail


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