Wednesday, December 16, 2009
By Jenny Hope No risk: Researchers found flowers do not increase the spread of germs and hospitals which ban them were slowing their recovery
Hospitals that ban flowers in an attempt to stop infections spreading are actually slowing patients' recovery, researchers have found.
They say visitors bringing bouquets to wards do not increase the spread of germs and help speed a patient's return to health.
In fact, the biggest hazard posed by flowers could be nurses' irritation at having to change the water.
A growing number of hospitals have introduced 'no flower' policies, with Southend University Hospital bringing in a blanket ban this summer despite protests.
Bosses said patients were in favour because of the potential health and safety risk to bedside electrical life support equipment as well as fears over the spread of germs.
But research in the British Medical Journal says the risks have been overplayed.
There is no record of an outbreak of infection in a hospital being traced to bacteria found in flower water, according to Giskin Day and Naiome Carter from Imperial College London.
Vases might tip over, they admit, but the risk is no greater than that posed by crockery containing food and drink.
The researchers say studies show flowers have immediate and long-term beneficial effects on emotional reactions, mood and memory.
One trial found that patients in rooms with plants and flowers needed significantly less pain relief after surgery.
They also had lower blood pressure readings, lower rates of pain, anxiety and fatigue and more positive feelings than those who were in flower-less wards.
However, hospitals continue to impose bans on the wards despite the absence of any ruling from the Department of Health.
The study also found evidence of contrasting attitudes to flowers on private and NHS wards, after questioning patients and staff at two London hospitals, the Royal Brompton and the Chelsea & Westminster.
Private nurses appeared much keener on flowers than those from the public sector.
Charge nurse Dermot Richards-Scully at the Royal Brompton said: 'I hate them [flowers].'
'My staff don't have time to change stagnant water, spillage is responsible for slips, trips and falls, and they cause hay fever.'
But sister Susan Bunce, in charge of the Sir Reginald Wilson ward for private patients at the same hospital, welcomes them.
'Maintaining flowers doesn't take up any nursing time and they have a positive effect on patients,' she said.
The BMJ article concluded: 'Although flowers can undoubtedly be a time-consuming nuisance, the giving and receiving of flowers is a culturally important transaction.'
It recommends bedside lockers be designed to cut the chances of spillage from vases.
source: dailymail