Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All the family members are in jeopardy of being exposed and of going to jail for the corruption case, plus the first hint of Sarah leaving the family.

The fourth season of "Big Love" is approaching its premiere date and for that HBO releases a trailer that compiles intricacies that come with power and corruption. Among the highlights in the trailer is Nicki questioning her feeling toward Bill, a police break-in, and a high-pitch scream from Nicki. Other plots from the trailer involve Margene coming full-fledge with her TV career, Sarah going against her mother and Bill proceeding with running for the Senate.

It was revealed last week that Amanda Seyfried is moving on from the show to concentrate on feature films. "I know having a commitment to a show for six months definitely cuts into her ability to pursue that career," show's creator Will Scheffer said. Sarah will get married in the fourth episode against her parents' will and leave in the eighth episode.

The fourth season begins January 10 on HBO. Benjamin Koldyke has been added to the ensemble as the love interest for closeted Alby. This same sex storyline will be another segment that the show focuses on in the fourth season. "There's a provocative nature to what we're doing," Executive Producer Will Olsen explained. "It's more than just the Mormon culture. We're highlighting certain aspects of the church's relationship with its gay members that I think, as the story unfolds, is going to cause no [small] amount of controversy."


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