Saturday, January 2, 2010
Golfer Harry Green of Oldham, Greater Manchester with his hi-tech style buggy which helps him carry on playing golf after he was paralysed from the waist down in an industrial accident
Watch a video of the special golf buggy in action, click here...
Golfer Harry Green thought his playing days were over after an industrial accident left him paralysed from the waist down.
But the 60-year old is back in the swing after spending his life savings on a James-Bond style golf buggy which enables him to play a full 18-hole round.
The specially made £16,000 hi-tech Otto Bock Para Golfer machine has special tyres to avoid damaging the greens and a unique ejector style seat which props Harry into an upright position to take his shot.
Retired construction engineer Harry, of Oldham, Greater Manchester who has been paralysed for three years, said: 'It's fantastic to be back on the course playing golf again.
'It's given me a new lease of life and was worth every penny. Even just to get me back on the course to drive around would be good, but to actually play is just brilliant.'
Harry was self-employed with his own business when the accident occurred in July 2006 as he was constructing new mezzanine floors at Wynnstay Hall in Wrexham with a team.
Harry fell backwards10ft through a gap on the second storey, breaking his spine in three places, leaving him paralysed from the waist down.
He also fractured his skull in two places, broke every rib on his right hand side and suffered a punctured lung.
He spent eight weeks in intensive care and spent a further four months in a rehabilitation unit before he was finally allowed home.
But, confined to a wheelchair, Harry had sell his business and wife Susan, 56, gave up her job as a cashier to become his full-time carer.
Harry said: 'I didn't realise I was paralysed, I thought I would be ok. It was Susan who told me about six weeks later. I didn't believe it at first. I was already ordering golf shoes and was busy planning my next game.
'It didn't really hit me until I came home and I was the only one in a wheelchair.' On the green: Mr Green now has the freedom to roam the golf course with his new gadget
Sports-mad Harry was devastated when he had to give up his membership at Wernerth Golf Club in Oldham, where he had been a member for ten years.
Harry, who was once an 18 handicap and had taught his wife to play, said, 'I really loved sports. I've always played football and gone swimming but I missed the golf the most.
'I found it relaxing and a good way to get the fresh air and to meet new people.'
Then Harry found out about the golf buggy from a physio and after taking delivery of his new machine regained his membership at the club.
He drives to each hole to take his shot, using a pole to retrieve the balls, but always plays with a partner as the machine is unable to access the bunkers.
Harry said: 'It's like a golf buggy, but it's better as it's gets me on the grass, it's designed to that the tyres don't damage the grass. Then the seat lifts me up so I can stand, take my shot and move onto the next hole.
'It does affect my game a lot, I can't hit it as far because my stance is off and my swing, but it's not going to stop me, I can still normally par the hole.
His wife Susan said: 'It may seem expensive but you can't put a price on someone's happiness. It is wonderful to see Harry happy again doing something he loves.'
source: dailymail
Labels: Health, Technology