Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Heads you win, tails... you win. You can beat the toss of a coin and here's how...
Posted by st at 10:33 PMBy Victoria Moore Heads or tails? Be wary if a friend offers to flip a coin to determine who buys the next round in the pub, or your husband suggests it as a way of allocating the nastiest household chores this weekend.
Because though the simple and apparently random method of tossing a coin to help make a decision has been used for centuries, scientists have now discovered that it is surprisingly easy to manipulate the odds of a coin landing the right way up.
'And it's all about practice,' says Matthew Clark, an ear, nose and throat consultant at the Royal Hospital in Gloucester. 'Because that way, it is possible to become consistent enough to predict the result.'
Clark is the joint author of a study into the art of tossing a coin that found that it is possible to control the outcome after just a few minutes' practice. The trick is not any specific technique but simply learning to toss consistently, and therefore predictably.
According to Matthew Clark: 'We gave 13 people some brief instructions, let them have a go for just five or ten minutes, then asked them to toss a coin 300 times aiming to get a heads-up, and measured the results.'
And the results were surprising. All of the participants managed to get the coin to land heads-up more than half the time, while one particularly adroit flipper achieved a heads-up 68 per cent of the time. So what are the secret tricks to always winning the toss?
Some coins are not perfectly shaped - and therefore, with practice, can be made to land on one side more often than the other. For example, when the Belgian euro was introduced in 2002, statisticians claimed that it had been minted asymmetrically, with the pattern heavier on one side than the other, making it more likely to land heads-up.
Also, when spun on a hard surface, it landed heads-up 56 per cent of the time.
The boss of the Royal Mint in Brussels denies that his coins are misshapen and says the findings are pure chance. But in another experiment, when a 2002 Belgian Euro was tossed 250 times it landed heads-up 139 times (or 55.6 per cent of the time) and tails-up 111 times.
The side of the coin that starts off in the face-up position is slightly more likely to end up that way. According to one study, there is a 51 per cent chance of getting a head if you start heads-up, or a tail if you start tails-up.
Studies have found that it is easier to control the outcome if you toss the coin gently - letting it spin only three or four times - rather than vigorously.
Some might consider it cheating, but it helps if you know the feel of each side of the coin you are flipping. Then, after you have flipped and caught the coin, and as you transfer the coin to the back of your other hand in order to reveal which way up it is, sneakily slip a finger under the coin and give it a stroke.
If you have practised beforehand, you'll be able to tell whether the raised pattern is heads or tails - and make a correct call. A coin toss is viewed as the fairest way to decide which team kicks off in a football match. But experts have shown the result can be altered
Magicians sometimes use this method. If done correctly, the coin simply flutters in the air, rather than spinning around its axis, creating the illusion that it is turning without it actually doing so.
This means, of course, that when you catch it in the palm of your hand, it will always be the same way up as it was when you flipped it.
The technique is to hold the coin on your index, ring and middle fingers. Then flick your wrist and raise your index finger to launch the coin, flicking it just hard enough to get it wobbling in the air but not enough to turn it over. Simple.
This is the method preferred by Clark and his researchers. A coin tossed by a mechanical flipper that can replicate the same conditions - starting position, force exerted, angle at which the coin is thrown, height from it falls - every time, is entirely predictable.
'There's nothing strange about it - it's just physics,' says Clark.
And so it stands to reason that, if you try to eliminate all the variables by tossing the coin in exactly the same way each time, it will land on one side more often than it does the other.
Practising for just five to ten minutes can vastly improve your odds of making the right call, the researchers found.
Because in order to predict which way up the coin will land you need to know which way up it started, and to be in control of the flip.
Once in every six thousand tosses, a coin allowed to fall on a hard surface will land neither head nor tail up - but on its edge.
source: dailymail
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