Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's an old fashioned cartoon in a 3D world, but what's REALLY getting people animated is... Disney's first BLACK PRINCESS
Posted by st at 8:16 PM Princess Tiana in The Princess and the Frog is Disney's first black princess
As one of the most scrutinised films in Disney's history, The Princess And The Frog has been carrying the heavy burden of expectation on its slender shoulders ever since its inception four years ago.
Not only was the film going to herald a return to 2D, hand-drawn animation after a near glut of 3D fare, but it was to feature the first black princess in Disney's 86-year history.
Before a pencil had even been put to paper, concerns were rife: attempting to resurrect an artform that many considered dead was one thing, but dodging the expected race bullets was another.
From the start, the film was plagued with accusations that it had committed a series of racial faux-pas - based on rumours surrounding leaked versions of the script - but if the animators were feeling the pressure, they didn't let it show.
Today sees the release of The Princess And The Frog in the UK, and having already wowed critics in the U.S., the film-makers can afford to breathe a well-earned sigh of relief.
To say it had a lot riding on it is an understatement. Although Disney had 'princesses of colour' as protagonists before (in the 1995 film Pocahontas and in 1998's Mulan), it has found it hard to shake off its reputation of racial insensitivity.
A quick look at Disney characters stretching back in time will uncover certain questionable caricatures (the jive-talking monkeys in 1967 film The Jungle Book being one famous case).
So the film-makers have gone out of their way to ensure that this film would not make similar mistakes. And indeed the film, which has Oprah Winfrey voicing the princess's mother, has been widely hailed as a success - critically, politically and, most importantly, with audiences who simply want a great story well told. Some critics have complained that Prince Naveen is olive-skinned rather than black
Set in New Orleans in the Twenties and loosely based on the E.D. Baker novel The Frog Princess, the film centres on Tiana (voiced by Dreamgirls' Anika Noni Rose), a girl whose parents instill in her the importance of hard work.
Fast forward a few years and Tiana is holding down two jobs as a waitress, when playboy Prince Naveen alights from the far-off kingdom of Maldonia.
He finds himself unwittingly turned into a frog by evil magician Dr Facilier and, mistaking Tiana for a princess, asks her to kiss him in order to break the spell.
Unfortunately for both, the kiss transforms Tiana into a frog, too, and the couple have to travel to the depths of the Bayou to reach voodoo priestess Mama Odie - the only one capable of lifting the spell.
Setting aside the race issue, this film was already a risky endeavour.
CG-animated films have become a staple at the box office, with recent films such as Up and WALL-E (both created by Pixar, which was acquired by Disney four years ago) proving just how far the medium had come.
And so when John Lasseter, chief creative officer for Disney animation and Oscar-winning director of Toy Story, announced that he wanted to bring back hand-drawn animation, there was naturally some scepticism. As all princesses do, Tiana wishes upon a star in the film
'Hand-drawn animation is a wonderful artform,' he says. 'And I never understood why the studios wanted to stop making it. They felt that audiences only wanted to watch CGI, but the medium of the film isn't what makes a film interesting - it's the story and the characters.
'The concerns people had were the same concerns they had when Toy Story was released and people weren't used to CGI. But it ended up doing OK [it made more than $350million].
'That's not to say that I don't love 3D, too - I've always loved 3D; I took my wedding pictures in 3D! But all an audience ever wants is to be entertained. That's the most important thing.'
Even though they encountered some teething problems going back to the 2D animated form (one animator remarked: 'There are lots of challenges, a lot of training and just trying to figure out where to buy paper from again.'), there seems to be genuine excitement from the animators at Disney about its return. Princess Tiana is following in the footsteps of Cinderella (left) and Pocahontas as one of Disney's beautiful heroines
'If you look at a film like Lady And The Tramp, there's a beautiful roundness and solidity to the characters,' says Lasseter. 'Personally, I think you can look at The Princess And The Frog and any one frame is worthy of hanging on your wall. It's that beautiful.'
And he's right. It is as sumptuous-looking a movie as you're likely to see. But it isn't just the sights which make it - it's the sounds.
The Princess And The Frog is a full-blown musical, making it the first time the studio has embarked on an animated musical project in a decade.
Oscar-winning composer Randy Newman, himself a New Orleans native, transports the audience from the colourful environs of the French Quarter to the swamps of the Bayou through a sultry mix of jazz, gospel and blues, putting any fears of a lacklustre musical revival to rest.
The directors, Ron Clements and John Musker (who previously codirected The Little Mermaid and Aladdin), deserve credit for keeping their heads when their every decision was met with hand-wringing scrutiny.
'We really just started with the story,' says Musker. 'But the more we got into it, the more we realised that it was a huge deal. It became more delicate than we'd anticipated. 'You don't want to compromise your movie or your story, but equally, you have to show sensitivity, so maybe it did get a little scary at times. Obviously, we're not African-American, so we did pitch the story to a lot of groups because we wanted to get it right.
Musker adds: 'And equally, although the story is a fairy tale, we couldn't have the characters exist in a vacuum and so we couldn't ignore history either.
'The story is set in the South during the Twenties, when there was segregation and we have a scene where the African-American passengers have to sit at the back of the bus. We didn't make a big deal of it, but it was there nonetheless.'
But in spite of side-stepping early controversies (Tiana was rumoured to have been named Maddy, until critics complained that it sounded too much like Mammy - a derogatory term for a black female slave), The Princess And The Frog hasn't escaped complete censure.
Some felt an opportunity had been missed in making the prince olive-skinned rather than black. The Princess and the Frog looks set to become a Disney classic
One commentator said: 'We can have a black president in office, but not a black Disney prince?' But, interestingly, the film was conceived long before Barack Obama was a frontrunner for the presidency.
Moreover, although the story is set in New Orleans, no allusion is made to Katrina - the hurricane which decimated the city five years ago - and many questioned why it needed to take place in a city which was, according to one critic, 'the setting of one of the most devastating tragedies to beset a black community'.
'We didn't make any references to the tragedy,' says Lasseter. 'But all our hearts went out to the people of New Orleans. It's a magical city, my favourite in the world and we were really proud to set the story there.'
The film is also populated by some of the most interesting characters in Disney's recent history. Aside from a trumpet-playing alligator called Louis (a homage to Louis Armstrong) and a sweetly sappy firefly called Ray, it boasts one of the scariest Disney villains to date, in the shape of Dr Facilier.
According to animator Bruce Smith: 'Dr Facilier is the lovechild of Cruella de Vil and Captain Hook - a kind of visual, physical mix of John Waters, a young Michael Jackson, Usher and Cab Calloway.
'The directors took one look at the early sketches I did and said: "It's too scary - we don't want kids running out of the cinema", and I said: "But kids running out of the cinema is exactly what I want."
'Kids love being scared. I remember how I felt when I saw the evil stepmother in Cinderella - and Dr Facilier was my shot at creating a villain who was pure evil.'
The film's fairy godmother, 197-year-old voodoo priestess Mama Odie, was fashioned largely on Margaret Rutherford, the actress best-known for her role as Miss Marple.
'I've just always loved Margaret Rutherford,' says animator Andreas Deja. 'I remember one scene in Miss Marple where she just threw her cape over her shoulders in a magnificent fashion.
'I thought: "If there's any way I can work that into a scene, I will," and if you watch the film closely, I get Mama Odie to do exactly the same thing.'
The Princess And The Frog has already taken more than $160million at the U.S. box office and Disney stores have reported that sales of Princess Tiana dresses are out-stripping those for other Disney princesses.
Excellent news for the accountants, but even more heartening to see a strong woman who works hard, reveres her parents and depends on herself, rather than a man, to succeed should have become a role model for young girls.
And that's regardless of what colour they happen to be.
• The Princess And The Frog is released today and goes into cinemas nationwide on February 5.
source: dailymail
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