Friday, January 1, 2010
A lie-in or a lion, Big Man? Kay Burley takes her teenage son on the safari trip of a lifetime
Posted by st at 5:48 AMBy Kay Burley Family holiday: Kay Burley took her son Alexander to South Africa on a safari trip
There's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush brought on by an angry herd of trumpeting elephants to keep a teenage boy entertained on holiday.
Add to that a hair-raising off-road smash through the African bush in search of a skittish black rhino calf and its protective parents, and the odd bit of toilet humour involving zebra and rhino, and you have the makings of a perfect holiday solution for an otherwise grumpy, monosyllabic 16-year-old.
As soon as he clapped eyes on my son, Alexander, our South African bush ranger Bruce sensed the challenge of a potentially difficult client - and had the perfect answer ready.
'Tell you what, Big Man, fancy a bit of off-roading in this baby tomorrow?' he suggested, patting the steering wheel of the massive, 25ft-long, four-wheel-drive Toyota Land Cruiser.
That brought on just the merest hint of a smile - and realising he was on to a winner, Bruce pressed on. 'And how about a spot of target practice with this mother too?' - the 'mother' being a Brno rifle designed to stop a stampeding elephant matriarch or angry buffalo bull in its tracks.
And that was it. Job done. Alexander was happy to be on holiday and I was relieved to have made the right choice.
When he was younger, trips to CenterParcs and the occasional hot date with Minnie Mouse were all that was required to entertain my youngster, but height and hormones mean that making the correct choice for a holiday destination these days is a far more difficult challenge. As a single mum, I had high hopes that the safari would work out - and I wasn't wrong.
Our adventure began with an overnight flight from London to Johannesburg. After a quick hop in a light aircraft into the African Bush, we touched down at the Phinda Game Reserve.
Unfortunately, things got off to a bad start when grumpy teenager left all his PSP games on the aircraft. Why he needed them, who knows - but the repercussions could have been volcanic. Luckily, I needn't have worried, Ranger Bruce was waiting at the end of the airstrip ready to welcome us with the 'baby' and 'mother' and so many plans to keep a teenager entertained every moment of every day that the lost property was soon nothing more than a shoulder shrug on the Richter scale of teenage tantrums.
Pleasantries over, and with just time for a quick spruce-up, we left our luggage to be unpacked at the lodge and were soon in search of big game with Bruce and his wonderful tracker, Stembiso.
We were excited and keen to see lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhino, traditionally known as the Big Five by the cowardly hunters who would attempt to bag these majestic animals in order to decorate a wall. Had they not heard of Osborne and Little wallpapers?
Getting up close and personal with Africa's finest is a true privilege, but there are rules you have to stick to - rules that could very well save your life. The very first of these is to show respect. Being on safari is not like visiting a Disney park, it's downright dangerous. If you don't respect the animals and their habitat, you could die. That's why you sign the disclaimer. If you're gnawed by a hippo, tough!
Bruce went through the do's and dont's: don't stand up in the open-sided vehicle; do sit still during a sighting, especially when you're literally a chewed arm away from a big cat; if you come face to face with a lion, don't run; if it's a rhino, run as fast as you can in a zigzag, then climb the nearest tree; if it's an angry elephant or a truculent buffalo, you are in a lot of trouble. As Bruce finished the check list, Alexander's eyes grew almost as wide as his grin and we were off.
Phinda is a stunning game reserve of some 57,000 acres with six different lodges to cater for every personality and pocket. There's even a Homestead - too pricey for us but perfect for two or three families who fancy sharing a personal ranger, butler and chef.
We had decided on a two-centre safari, beginning at Mountain Lodge, where there are 25 recently refurbished suites and plenty of wildlife roaming the fenceless grounds.
We had our own plunge pool, right in the middle of the bush. 'Wow, how cool is this?' said Alexander, uttering more syllables than I had heard from him in some months. It was indeed very, very cool. During the day we often saw families of impala or nyala antelopes meandering through foliage just outside our window and we could almost touch them as we walked from our room up to the main lodge for lunch.
But the brick pathways that offered places to explore during the day were navigable only with a security guard once night fell and predators were on the prowl. I wasn't completely sure what difference brandishing a 6in torch would have made if we had met a leopard or worse, but those were the rules. Remember, don't run! Creature comforts: The luxurious Homestead Lodge has its personal ranger, butler and chef
Waking early is an essential part of safari. 'A lie-in or a lion?' was the corny question I would always pose to Alexander when he grumbled at the 5.30am alarm call. He reluctantly lumbered into the shower, then had a quick cuppa and it was on to the truck to track.
Patience is sometimes needed and if you are banking on a Ferrari safari where you can tick off the Big Five plus hippo before breakfast, then you'd be better off in Florida.
Rest assured, though, patience and faith in your tracker and ranger are always rewarded, even with the slowest start to the day. On our second day we had been in the truck for over an hour, it was nearly 7am and we had seen nothing. The mood was sombre, but not for long.
Bruce kept up the interest level by spotting general game and sharing general knowledge, often giving it a teenage twist. We stopped in front of a zebra swishing its tail.
Moments later it delivered the loudest fart I had ever heard, guaranteeing sniggers all round. A few minutes later we stopped again, this time at a pile of rhino poo - for an impromptu but nonetheless informative lesson on toilet habits in the bush.
We drove on and then stopped right in the middle of a buffalo herd. 'Cows with horns' is how some describe them, but don't be fooled - they are by far the most feared animal by rangers and trackers alike.
Hemingway said a buffalo bull looks at you like you owe him a lot of money and, even though I was safe in the vehicle, I could see what he meant.
After about half an hour we moved again as we were keen to see a leopard, but the big cats weren't playing. We all agreed to try again later in the day and head back for breakfast when, out of the blue, Stembiso nonchalantly waved an arm and whispered two words that sent us crashing through the thick undergrowth, hanging from the side of a hill at an angle far from my liking. Stembiso had seen black rhino.
They are an endangered species, with only a few thousand left in the wild, and he had spotted three - a mother, her calf and a predatory male half a mile away heading towards the top of a hill. How could he possibly have seen them from so far away? I have absolutely no idea but it was an extremely rare sighting and Bruce didn't waste time getting closer. Nature lovers: Kay and Alexander didn't just see the sights by truck, they also went out riding
We could hear the mother bellow at the male. Not only was it a rare sighting, but the adults were having a domestic.
Having endured what seemed like an eternity of corkscrew turns and bone-crunching potholes while trying to duck overhanging branches with thorns that would certainly rip open unsuspecting limbs, we arrived where the rhino had last been seen.
Bruce switched off the engine and we listened. I could hear nothing, but Stembiso - whose brilliant hearing obviously matched his eyesight - pointed to a thicket a few yards away. A few moments later we heard the family thunder back down the hillside and away from us. We weren't disappointed. We were exhilarated.
'Fancy a bit of off-roading later, Big Man?' was just what Alexander needed to hear as we made our way down the hillside. After lunch, he had his first driving lesson, which just happened to be in a four-wheel-drive game vehicle. It was a brilliant twist to his holiday, and the rangers had even more surprises in store.
Later, we found ourselves heading to a deserted dam with a target and a rifle. Every couple of months the rangers need to practise their aim, just in case. Alexander had been invited to join them. Taking aim, he scored an eight and then a nine. I was coaxed into having a go but missed altogether - and the recoil made me bite my tongue!
Next day the wonderful people at travel firm andBeyond, who maintain Phinda and organised our trip, had yet more surprises for us. This time we were heading out of the reserve for a horse ride through the bush and down to the beach. My gentle horse, Cheyenne, calmly guided me to False Bay, where a wonderful lunch was waiting for us on the sands. Bullseye: Alexander poses proudly with his shooting targets
It was all very civilised but the rides can sometimes be a little more challenging - I heard how one horse lost half its jaw to a croc as it leant forward to drink, and another lost an eye after it galloped too close to a zebra. We were more than content with a little trot and a curious duiker antelope.
But we did get too close for comfort to big game on at least one occasion. We had moved to Phinda's magnificent Vlei Lodge, which has only six suites and staff you end up wanting to bring home with you. Cheeky monkeys stole our breakfast muffins and screamed away before anyone could grab the catapult and the dried peas. We were joined by other guests from America, Germany, Argentina and good old Blighty.
We were having a great holiday but the end was frustratingly close. As it came to our last evening and we were enjoying iced G&T sundowners and barbecued kudu skewers by lantern light, I reflected with my newfound friends how the bush had made a much bigger impression on me than I could ever have imagined by just watching David Attenborough on the TV back home.
We all sighed and dejectedly climbed back on to the vehicle for the short drive back to the lodge for dinner.
As we rounded a corner, I saw Stembiso flinch. I was immediately aware of danger and involuntarily put my arm in front of Alexander. There was an elephant in the road. I noticed Bruce almost imperceptibly grip the steering wheel and Stembiso sit up a little straighter in his exposed tracker seat protruding high in front of the vehicle. The boys are trained not to show any concern, whatever the circumstances.
If they are calm, we are calm is the theory. But the situation was potentially very dangerous.
In fact, it was not one elephant, but a herd. A big herd. They were all around us. We mustn't stop. We couldn't go back. We had to go forward but there were more and more of them. Awesome power: Kay's group was confronted by a herd of elephants
As we inched ahead, an overconfident young male moved closer and was startled as Bruce roared the engine. The frightened elephant trumpeted a warning. We could hear the protective matriarch crashing through the undergrowth towards us.
She could crush the vehicle with ease. Elephants have been known to force their tusks into the grill of a ranger vehicle and toss it into the air, with the terrified occupants still inside.
Bruce drove faster, expertly dodging elephant calves but saying nothing. Stembiso was darting his head from left to right guiding Bruce through the ever-increasing numbers. We all sat very, very quietly in the back of the truck trying to peer into the blackness but seeing nothing.
After what must have been only about 30 seconds but was certainly long enough for me to consider my mortality, Bruce and Stembiso laughed loudly in unison and we knew we were out of danger. We all breathed again. What a tale to tell when we were back home.
Later that evening, Alexander and I were enjoying the last dinner on the deck of our beautiful lodge with the plunge pool gently lapping over and chatting about the leopard, cheetah, lion, rhino, buffalo and all the other animals we had encountered during our safari.
Moments later we heard the faintest of sounds and were once again holding our breath, unsure whether to run or hide. Four elephants which, just a short time earlier, had seemed keen to kill us had silently moved out of the pitch-black night towards us and now wanted to quench their thirst from the pool.
As they lifted their trunks and deposited gallons of water into their open mouths, it was clear they had forgiven us for our interruption earlier and were content to let us sit in awe at their majesty. Thirsts eventually satisfied, they slipped back into the night.
I thought the experience was almost spiritual; Alexander said it was 'cool'. Both of us agreed it was a wonderful end to the best holiday we had ever had.
Travel FactsThe Ultimate Travel Company (020 7386 4646, www.theultimatetravel company.co.uk) can arrange a six-day stay in the private Phinda Game Reserve from £2,845 per person, including flights from London with British Airways and onward connections by air and road. Three nights at Phinda Mountain Lodge is followed by two at Phinda Vlei Lodge with all meals, drinks, game drives and activities included. For more information visit www.andBeyond.com.
source: dailymail
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