Saturday, January 2, 2010
Bling Avenue vs Snooty Square: If you had a few million, would you rather live in the South's priciest street - or the North's?
Posted by st at 8:13 PMBy Robert Hardman Upmarket: Wycombe Square in Kensington, where the average house costs £5.4million
One or two lights are on, but there are no signs of life. There is barely a Christmas decoration to be seen anywhere. I buzz a few shiny intercoms and knock on a few doors. Just one of them opens and a Filipino maid appears. I ask if the owner is in and her jaw drops. I might as well be sprouting two heads or standing stark naked on her doorstep.
'They on holiday!' she says, incredulous at the stupidity of my question, and shuts the door.
It's hardly surprising, I suppose. I am wandering around Wycombe Square in London's Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for the simple reason that it has just been declared the most expensive address in the land.
I am keen to find out what makes it so desirable. But I dare say that the sort of people who live in a road where the average property costs £5.4million are rich enough to afford a bit of sun at this time of year.
Indeed, since most of them are from overseas and have homes all over the world, who can blame them for avoiding this Arctic downpour? So, this is not just the richest street in Britain, it is also the most deserted. As I walk on, though, I soon discover I am not alone.
'Can I help you?' asks a disembodied voice. I can't see anyone, but it's coming from Number 4.
'Step closer to the door,' says the voice, and I approach the intercom. 'Can I help you?' the male voice asks again.
I explain that I want to talk to a resident about life in the country's most sought-after location.
'Take the next turning, please. I am at the security desk,' says the voice.
Although I am on a public highway, my every move is being monitored by a guard called Jamal, who is part of Wycombe Square's resident private security team. Round here, he explains politely, one does not go around knocking on doors. One makes an appointment to see someone.
Since none of the residents is at home, then there is no one to approach for an appointment. In any case, people round here don't use their front doors like the rest of us.
Wycombe Square, overlooking the prime Notting Hill/Holland Park banker belt, is a neo-Georgian development less than ten years old. I have already noticed that there are no vehicles to be seen. All mod-cons: A house on Withinlee Road, Prestbury, where the average home costs £1.2 million
It turns out that residents can drive into an underground car park and enter their houses from their own private loading bays, coming and going away from the gaze of the public and even their neighbours, without even the bother of opening a front door. It is perfect for the reclusive, the nervous and the secretive.
So, I dare say that some residents will be less than thrilled to see their homes propelled into the spotlight this week. It is all thanks to the number crunchers at Halifax, the state supported bank, who have totted up all Land Registry transactions between 2005 and September 2009 to produce a comprehensive street-by-street survey of the most sizzling property hotspots across England and Wales.
Published this week, it shows that even if you take an entire region, you will find that the most expensive addresses tend to be clustered close to each other.
Seven of London's top ten streets are in the same borough (Kensington and Chelsea), eight of the ten priciest roads in the South-East are in Surrey and half of the most sought-after roads in the whole of East Anglia are to be found in one chi-chi area of Cambridge - CB2.
But what of the North/South divide?
While Wycombe Square is the winner down South (and overall in Britain), the most expensive street in the North is Withinlee Road in Prestbury, near Macclesfield. The average house there, says the Halifax, costs £1.2m.
So I decide to compare these North/South wealth hotspots - are the super-rich of Prestbury any different to the elusive Kensingtonians? Manchester United and England star Wayne Rooney and his wife Coleen live up the track from Withinlee Road
The main contrast is evident as soon as I arrive: Withinlee Road turns out to contain real people who not only live in it, but are happy to talk about it. A bumpy lane on the edge of this pretty Cheshire village, Withinlee Road is quasi-suburban at one end and thoroughly rural at the other, with glorious farmland views stretching across to the snow-capped Peak District.
And the Halifax survey seems to have seriously undervalued it. There isn't much available on the market here for less than £3million.
The average price on the survey is lower because the main trade here over the past five years has been in dreary Fifties and Sixties houses on prime plots. These have gone for £1.5 million to buyers who have knocked down the house and then spent double that sum building a new mansion-style residence with all the gadgets.
Typical of the genre is the new home of England cricketer Andrew Flintoff, who bought a £1.85million house two years ago from former football manager Mark Hughes, and promptly knocked it down. He has just spent £2million on a Surrey stockbroker-style replacement, which is nearing completion with a gym and indoor pool.
And herein lies a very interesting similarity with Wycombe Square 200 miles to the south. The most expensive properties in the most expensive roads, both North and South, are new ones.
The popular perception of grand housing is usually an Elizabethan manor in the Cotswolds or a swanky stucco-fronted Georgian town house. The reality is that today's biggest spenders want modern rather than ancient. They want air-conditioning and running machines, not pedigree and ghosts.
I have seen few interiors as modern as Withinlee Road resident Gary Chew's seven-bedroom, oak-walled mansion, with pool, gym, cinema, 360-degree security cameras and TVs that look like mirrors.
When not running his nationwide fitting and joinery business, Gary, 47, has been building this house (all 13,000 square ft of it) for five years while living up the road in a rented house once occupied by a certain Eric Cantona during his days at Manchester United.
'I wanted an arts and crafts style house that looked as if it had been here for 100 years, not something that looks like a leisure centre,' he says.
It may be a while before it blends in completely. The landscape designers are still installing the lawns and the bridges that will span the artificial stream running through the garden, but the house warming party is days away.
Gary says that this will be his house for life. 'I've already had offers, but this will never be for sale,' he says proudly.
Some of the locals have been upset by sneering comments in the media suggesting that Withinlee Road is all bling, Premiership strikers, vulgarity and gold taps.
Some of the homes are centuries-old. The opulent new 'statement' homes, however, remind me not of Footballers' Wives, but of Sandbanks, the stratospherically pricey Poole Harbour peninsula.
There, as here, it's a case of tearing down a lot of tired Fifties and Sixties houses on great spots and building the biggest and boldest home you can get away with. One resident, a successful local businessman who would rather not be identified, invites me into his substantial new Edwardian manor-style home to assure me that this is a family-friendly area where residents do talk to each other and try to put something back into the community.
'We're just ordinary people,' he insists. 'I think I've seen only one footballer in 17 years.'
The soccer lot, it seems, tend not to mix with the locals. Another resident driving past sees my notebook and winds down his window.
'Journalists keep calling this "Footballers' Alley", but there isn't a single footballer in this road,' says John Barker, whose car is crammed to the roof with hay for a horse.
This is true, though I do find five Premiership mansions within a one mile radius.
Three top footballers, including Manchester United and England star Wayne Rooney, are next to each other up the same small track nearby. They are so close they must for ever be buzzing each other's electric gate intercom systems asking if they can have their ball back.
To cap it all, two doors down from Rooney is Noddy Holder, wild front man of the Seventies band Slade ('So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun . . .').
I can't imagine that Prestbury is ever short of a celebrity to open the local fete. The village centre is picture postcard stuff with a pretty Post Office, a Norman chapel and a set of stocks next to an old red phone box.
Even the NatWest bank is a little halftimbered gem. Just round the corner I find the village garage - a Jaguar dealership, of course.
Edward Naden, of local estate agent Holmes-Naden, has lived round here all his life and says Prestbury has always attracted money, old and new (the footballers have been a recent arrival on the back of soaring soccer salaries and the fact the Beckhams liked the area).
Edward says Withinlee Road is likely to rise further still.
'It used to be a pretty road with relatively poor housing, but the difference now is that it's getting big new houses on it.'
He shows me the brochure for an almost-finished five-bedroom/pool/ gym property called Chart House, which looks Surrey-esque on the outside and super yacht within.
Laura Ashley fans need not apply. The interior designers have gone for a black and white look with a lot of ash woodwork wrapped in cream leather. It will hit the market next month with a £3.75 million price tag - double the 'average' price in Withinlee Road.
Back in London, it is the same story in Wycombe Square, where agents Knight Frank are selling a six-bedroom house on the cheap side of the square for double the so-called average at £10.35 million (houses command an extra million on the opposite side where each house has its own pool and a separate staff cottage).
'You can lock it and leave it knowing it is utterly secure,' says Knight Frank's Tom Tangney. 'And that is a big plus for international high net-worth individuals.'
No doubt it is. But wandering around this spotless, sterile plutozone, I can't help thinking that the North has the edge over the South in at least one respect.
Love them or not, it's quite nice to see the odd neighbour from time to time, however rich you may be.
source: dailymail
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