Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Twilight's Robert Pattinson to miss Eclipse premiere... along with Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner
Posted by st at 9:52 PMBy Mail Online Reporter New film: Robert Pattinson on the set of Water For Elephants in Ventura County; filming means he will miss the UK premiere of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
It's one of the most eagerly awaited films of the year.
But fans heading to Leicester Square for the UK premiere of the new Twilight movie are going to be disappointed.
Not one of the The Twilight Saga: Eclipse's main stars - Robert Pattinson, Kirsten Stewart and Taylor Lautner - is going to be there.
The last London Twilight premiere, for New Moon, saw the three mobbed by screaming fans.
Despite coming from London, work commitments mean Pattinson will be in Los Angeles.
The heart-throb is filming Water For Elephants, and was today spotted on location in Ventura County, Los Angeles.
His girlfriend Kirsten, who plays Bella Swan, has not revealed her reasons for missing the premiere, although she is known to dislike them.
Fitting in: Pattinson chats to, smokes with and works hard to befriend his newest cast mates
Nor has a reason been given for the absence of Lautner, who plays muscled Jacob Black.
Instead fans at the July 1 event will be shown video messages from the trio.
Lesser Twilight stars Ashley Green, Alex Meraz, BooBoo Stewart, Kellan Lutz and Xavier Samuel will make the trip, although their presence is unlikely to satisfy the dedicated Twihards.
Disappointing: Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, seen in Australia yesterday, will both miss the London premiere
While his co-stars are travelling the world promoting the film, Pattinson was throwing himself into work on the set of his new movie today.
Dressed in a smart black suit and white shirt, the 24-year-old showed off his new, shorter haircut, his flowing locks having been chopped off for the role.
The smiling star could be seen making an effort to befriend his new cast mates, chatting to them and the crew and sharing around his cigarettes.
source :dailymail
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