Friday, June 11, 2010

By Daily Mail Reporter

Don't looke at me: Despite her eye-catching outfit, Gaga appeared to want to go unnoticed, angrily giving a photographer the finger

Jeans and a T-shirt would have sufficed, but that's just not Lady Gaga's style.

The singer wore a studded leather bra and a head scarf as she watched the San Diego Padres take on the New York Mets in New York last night.

Despite her eye-catching ensemble it appeared Gaga had hoped she would somehow blend into the crowd.

On noticing a sports photographer turn her way her good mood soured and she gave him the finger.

Not trying to blend in: Lady Gaga watches the game between the Padres and the Mets in a studded bra in New York

The singer was watching the game with friends at Citi Field in the Flushing neighbourhood of Queens.

They were dressed in jeans and T-shirts, highlighting her unusual clothes.

Perhaps her consistently over the top stage outfits have desensitised Gaga to the weirdness of her wardrobe.

Not amused: Gaga was not enjoying the attention her inappropriate outfit attracted

Spot the celebrity: Gaga dressed to stand out; but seemed annoyed when she was spotted

It's not unusual for Gaga, 24, to dress inappropriately.

Just this week she stole the show from her little sister Natali by arriving for her High School graduation wearing a black conical hat draped in a long lace scarf.

source :dailymail


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