Friday, March 26, 2010
Peaches and 'a night of drugs and debauchery' with a stranger that ended up all over the Net
Posted by st at 10:42 PMBy Sara Nathan Glazed: Peaches Geldof with the mystery man in one of the pictures posted on the internet
Eyes glazed and head lolling on a stranger's tattooed chest, Peaches Geldof gazes up at the camera in a picture that will provoke fresh drug fears over the daughter of Bob Geldof.
That is just the first in a series of increasingly lewd images of the Live Aid founder's 21-year-old daughter taken during what was claimed to be a heroin-fuelled one-night stand last November.
In another photo, Peaches cavorts topless, flaunting the 20 tattoos that cover her body
Topless: Another one of the snaps of the 21-year-old
Worryingly, she also clearly sports a large bloodied plaster that covers part of her thigh.
Peaches has repeatedly been linked with drugs in recent years and this is just the latest debacle to hit the second of Geldof's three daughters by his ex-wife, TV presenter Paula Yates.
Peaches was just 11 when Miss Yates died of a heroin overdose in 2000, leaving Geldof to look after her and her sisters Fifi Trixibelle and Pixie, as well as Tiger Lily, Miss Yates's daughter by INXS singer Michael Hutchence.
The photos surfaced yesterday after an American college student, identifying himself only as Ben, wrote a detailed message on U.S. internet site Reddit.com which was asking users for their most bizarre one-night stands. This was then picked up by internet site Gawker.com.
Ben, from Madison, New Jersey, claimed he met Peaches when they were staying with a mutual friend while Peaches attempted to record her debut album.
He alleges the pair spent the night together on Thanksgiving, on November 26, and drove around Los Angeles looking for syringes and cotton wool - as well as lemons to dissolve heroin that he says Peaches claimed she had brought from England
He says: 'She had a cute English accent and wasn't bad looking at all. The tattoo discussion leads to us deciding we should get each other's names tattooed on each other.
'At 3am I grab my friend's car keys, and head out. We drive all over Hollywood looking for a tattoo parlour, with no luck. While driving around we get on the topic of drugs. At this point in my life I was very into all drugs, as was she. She told me she had a bit of heroin she brought with her from the UK and asked me if I was game. I was so the hunt began.
Controversial: Peaches Geldof in one of the shots published in the U.S; we have cropped it for decency
'We drove all around LA looking for the supplies we needed. We drove to various pharmacies looking for needles and cotton.
'We get them and begin the drive home. On the way back she mentions this is heroin base, meaning we need to dissolve this in lemon (I guess this is a British thing, I never have seen this in my years in NYC).'
He claims that by 5am, 'I was high as a kite and we start to watch a movie. Things get hot and heavy and before I know it we're naked'.
Bizarrely, he claims that after sleeping together the pair then woke up in a Scientology centre, where fresh convert Peaches had taken them to undergo a detoxification programme called Purif.
He added: 'This girl ended up being a hardcore Scientologist and a D-List celebrity, and we were doing a process called Purif.'
Perhaps fearing reprisals, Ben had yesterday taken off his links on the website and also from his MySpace page.
Peaches was instantly recognisable in the pictures which were originally posted on website Reddit because of the distinctive tattoos all over her body
Peaches has long been linked to drugs. In July 2008, she was treated by emergency paramedics after an overdose and was believed to have stopped breathing for several minutes until she was revived. However, she refused to go to hospital for fear her father would find out.
That incident came after she was seen offering a drug pusher up to £190 in May 2008. She was questioned under caution but never charged.
Geldof, 58, had publicly said he would go 'ballistic' if Peaches ever turned to drugs.
In August 2008, she admitted she took drugs but insisted: 'It's something people go through in their lives, especially growing up in London.'
Then in December that year she left a 'shopping list' of drugs including Viagra and sleeping pills in a London pub. She soon left London and moved to New York.
At the age of 19 she married wannabe drummer Max Drummey, 24, in Las Vegas without her father's knowledge. The marriage lasted just six months.
She has attempted to launch a music career, while Disappear Now, the style magazine she launched, has flopped and her column on trendy New York magazine Nylon has been slated by readers.
Now living in Los Angeles, Peaches is dating 37-year- old actor and horror director Eli Roth, most recently seen in Quentin Tarantino's hit film Inglourious Basterds.
Roth, whose films such as Hostel have been described as 'torture porn', has boasted about scaring girls into bed with sick horror films.
Last night, Peaches' lawyers said: 'The incident and photos concern private issues and activity; the photographs were taken for private purposes only.'
They added: 'The allegations that our client was carrying and injecting heroin are denied, our client having consumed alcohol with the other individual leading to the "highs" described and portrayed in the photographs.'
They also said the alleged visit to a Scientology centre was ' fictitious', adding: 'Nobody who is not a member of that organisation is permitted into such buildings.'
A tawdry, sleazy story... surely now it's time for Bob Geldof to step in if these allegations are really true?
Just what, one wonders, will it take before Bob Geldof - the self-styled saviour of Africa’s starving masses - decides to step in to save the fast unravelling life of his daughter Peaches?
He cannot deny that he has been given more than enough wake-up calls. The latest comes in a sleazy and worrying internet post by a man who claims to have had sex with the Live Aid founder’s 21-year-old daughter while they were high on heroin.
It is a tawdry and worrying tale of a one-night stand with a man she had just met and their search through the seamier streets of Los Angeles for needles and other drugs paraphernalia.
Devoted mother: Peaches with her mum Paula Yates in the early Nineties
As with much of what is posted online, of course, we must view his claims with some scepticism. Indeed, the drug allegations have been strenuously denied by Peaches' lawyer.
But certainly, the anonymous man’s distasteful tale is given weight by the series of pictures of a naked and stoned looking Peaches in a series of grubby poses. The writer- who styles himself only as ‘Thatcoolguyben’- has published these on American social news website Reddit.
Worryingly, in one shot a topless and heavily tattooed Peaches has a plaster, with the signs of blood seeping through it, stuck to her upper thigh. In others she is pictured bleary-eyed and nuzzling up to the tattooed torso of a pasty-looking man on a bed.
Within hours of the online post appearing, it was picked up by the gossip website Gawker, which ran its article under the headline, ‘Peaches Geldof’s Heroin-fuelled One-Night Stand’.
Seven words that will surely send a shudder down the spine of her famous father. And lest we forget, Paula Yates, the drug-addicted mother of the deeply troubled Peaches, died of a heroin overdose in 2000 when Peaches was just eleven.
Sadly, while the 58-year-old Geldof will be horrified by the latest dismal turn in the life of his increasingly out of control daughter, he will not be surprised.
Doting dad: Bob Geldof with daughters Pixie, left, and Peaches in 2003
For many months, concerned family friends – plus even some of Peaches’ own circle – have been contacting the former Boomtown Rats singer will tales of her dangerous excesses.
His intervention came several months after she admitted to London’s King’s Cross hospital after taking an alleged overdose and after a ‘shopping list’ of drugs including, Viagra and sleeping pills, was discarded by Peaches in a London pub.
The previous year, Peaches was filmed allegedly trying to buy drugs from Amy Winehouse’s dealer.
Given the fragile and often fiery relationship that exists between father and daughter, it is something of a miracle, friends say, that she ceded to his wishes on that occasion.
Particularly as for most of last year she was living in a room at the exclusive Mayfair hotel in central London rather than staying with her father and two of her three sisters at his mansion block apartment a few miles away in Battersea.
But those close to Peaches say that if anything her life has unravelled even more since she gave up London and an apartment she also kept in Williamsburg, New York, to move to Los Angeles at the end of last year.
On the West coast she is said to have fallen in with a set that one friend described to me last night as ‘no more than druggies and dossers’.
She is telling friends she has moved to Hollywood to work on her debut album, though as one who has had the misfortune to hear her singing voice, the chances of a successful career in pop would seem limited at best.
She has also fallen prey while in Tinseltown to the cultish tentacles of the Church of Scientology to which she has become an eager convert.
Equally worrying for her father, Peaches has recently been gadding around Hollywood in the company of her latest boyfriend ‘torture porn’ film director Eli Roth, 37.
The sleazy Roth, who directed slasher flick Hostel and starred as Nazi in Quentin Tarantino’s blood-soaked Inglourious Basterds, likes to boast about his taste for taking his female dates to porn theatres and alleyways.
He recently said of his taste in movies: ‘I want lots of violence, nudity. I want sex and violence mixed together.’
Which, needless to say, makes him sound like every father’s nightmare and not someone who should be allowed within a hundred miles of the deeply immature Peaches.
Divorced Peaches, who had a 156 day marriage to Max Drummey, an American wannabe singer she married in a Las Vegas publicity stunt in August 2008, has seen her career take a nosedive in recent months.
Disappear Now, the style magazine she launched and gave herself the role of as editor-at-large of, has spectacularly flopped despite a series of expensive relaunches and her column on trendy New York magazine Nylon has been slated by its own readers.
Her efforts to break into pop is just the latest of a long line of attempts to find something she is actually good at.
The real tragedy is that in the skewed mind of the lonely and mixed Peaches, she will, it is safe to say, be secretly relishing the latest negative headlines about her troubled life.
What she desperately requires is the guidance of someone with her best interests at heart. She will not find it among the high-living, debauched and pathetic crowd she calls her friends in Hollywood.
If she is not to go the same way as her tragic mother, what the vulnerable and deeply troubled Peaches urgently needs right now is the intervention of her father before it is too late.
source: dailymail
Labels: Celebrity Gossip