Tuesday, March 16, 2010
How cheap imitation Ugg boots are 'crippling' a generation of fashion victim women
Posted by st at 1:38 AMBy Kate Loveys Disastrous: Cheap Ugg replicas are causing significant foot problems in the young women who wear them
Squeezing into killer heels, many women are happy to endure a little pain in the name of fashion.
But medical experts have warned that the trend for cheap Ugg boots is a price too high to pay.
They have said that knock-off versions of the designer boots are crippling a generation of young women, 'literally breaking' their feet.
With just six months of wear women could saddle themselves with a lifetime of foot deformities, backache and pain in their feet.
And a phrase has even been coined for the gait of devoted wearers - the Ugg 'shuffle' - which describes the lopsided, pigeon-toed way in which cheap versions of the boots force women to walk.
Top brand Ugg Australia boots, which cost from £150, are worn by celebrities including Kate Moss and Cameron Diaz, sparking a craze for the flat, furry generic boots.
But low-cost imitations often provide inadequate foot support.
With each step the wearer's feet slide around. This can cause the feet to splay which flattens the foot arch and leads to wear and tear on the joints in the feet, knees, hips and back.
As a result leading podiatrist and chiropodists have seen a stark rise in the number of women suffering toe deformities, backache and pain in their feet.
They have expressed their concern and warned against children wearing the unsupported boots as their feet are still forming, increasing the risk of long-term damage.
Dr Ian Drysdale, head of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, said: 'Because these boots are warm and soft, young girls think they are giving their feet a break. In fact, they are literally breaking their feet.
'Their feet are slipping around inside. With each step, the force falls towards the inside of the foot and the feet splay. This flattens the arch and makes it drop.
'The result can be significant problems with the foot, the ankle, and ultimately, the hip.'
Ugg-ly truth: Celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Moss wear the £150 boots, sparking the manufacture of replica Uggs for fans keen to imitate the look
Putting the boot in: Sienna Miller and Lily Allen are both fans of Ugg Australia
Consultant podiatric surgeon Mike O'Neill called the cheap Uggs 'disastrous'.
'As the foot slides around, you get wear and tear on the joints on the inside of the foot. The ankle is in the wrong position, the thigh bone also changes position and you get an abnormal movement in the pelvis, which leads to back problems.'
However he agreed that cheap Uggs are fine to wear at home, but not for walking long distances.
While there is often little to visibly distinguish a well-made pair of boots from a badly made pair, even brand leader Ugg Australia admits its boots are 'comfort' not 'performance footwear' and that buyers should be aware of 'knock-offs' which lack reinforced heels or insoles of their boots.'
source: dailymail
Labels: Fine Living, Health