Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cruises give in to three-year-old Suri's teenage tendencies and allow her to wear lashings of red lipstick
Posted by st at 4:35 PMBy Georgina Littlejohn and Chris Johnson Controversial: Suri Cruise in New York yesterday wearing red lipstick and clutching onto the bottle of the bright gloss
She's not even four years old, but yesterday Suri Cruise emerged from her home with her lips painted bright red.
The youngster, who was earlier spotted in a make-up shop with mother Katie, beamed at photographers and seemed delighted with her glossy grown-up look.
But while she might have just been having some innocent fun, some may question whether Suri, who turns four in April, is a little too young to be wearing lipstick in public Retail therapy: Earlier she shopped with mother Katie in make-up store Sephora
Earlier in the day she was spotted shopping with mother Katie, 31, in make-up store Sephora.
She was also wearing rather inappropriate footwear considering the snowy weather.
She risked getting a very cold and wet pair of feet as she stepped into a slushy puddle while out in the Big Apple. Taking shelter: Suri and her mother hit the shops to keep out of the snow
Frozen tootsies: Suri should have opted for Wellington boots after getting her feet wet in a slushy puddle in New York yesterday
Even though she was wrapped up against the sub-zero conditions, her flimsy-looking pink shoes were not going to offer much protection from the elements.
The three-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise, 46, and Katie was snapped heading out for lunch with her mother from their apartment straight into a snow blizzard.
With a choice of two umbrellas to shelter her from the heavy flurry, Suri opted for her Walt Disney Princesses one, which she proudly showed off to the doorman.
In a big red coat, woolie hat, mittens and scarf covering her blue dress, Suri and Katie sheltered from the blizzard in their building's doorway as they waited for their car.
Like all little children, the snow excited Suri, who stuck out her tongue to catch some snowflakes.
She and her mother have been in New York for a few days after flying in with Tom from Miami, where they attended Sunday night's Super Bowl with Tom's 15-year-old adopted son Connor.
And while most of Manhattan braced itself for the 18inches of snow expected to fall on the city overnight, Katie and Suri had no intention of staying indoors and headed to the Bowery Hotel for lunch. What, no boots? Katie Holmes was wearing sensible footwear unlike Suri
Catch a snowflake: The youngster's curiosity gets the better of her
Both were also wearing the same outfits as the day before - Katie in knee-high dark brown boots and a tan coat - but this time, Suri had chosen to forgo her bright red lipstick.
Apart from the highly unsuitable footwear, it was a sensible outfit for the little girl, who has come under much scrutiny for the fashion sense she has developed at such a young age.
And despite Katie's insistence that her daughter chooses her own clothes, she has been criticised for allowing her to wear high heels and make-up. Winter wonderland: She marvelled at the weather, taking cover under an umbrella
Snow joke: The pair arrived ready for fun but were forced to head home early when the conditions became too tough
source: dailymail
Labels: Celebrity Gossip