Monday, February 1, 2010
Walking Hadrian's Wall: An 84-mile journey through history (but not back again)
Posted by st at 10:41 PMBy Stuart Maconie Empire's limits: Housesteads Crags is a spectacular section of Hadrian's Wall, which has just seen the end of a six-year building programme
To start with, let's clear up an old canard: it wasn't to keep out the Scots. Chiefly because there were no such thing as Scots back then, or for that matter English.
Emperor Hadrian built his famous wall for a cluster of connected reasons and there is no consensus as to why exactly, even among experts.
It seems, though, it was partly to subdue, partly to observe, partly to control trade and the movement of goods, and to levy customs and taxes
And certainly it was intended as a show of Roman military might and to mark the extent of their ambitions. A sort of 'this far and no further' or 'the line in the sand' statement beloved of modern politicians.
And now, a couple of thousand years after Hadrian's big idea and a six-year building programme undertaken by three legions, people like me, my Radio 2 colleague Mark Radcliffe (we did a week of live shows from various points along the route) and you can walk its 84 miles for fun.
It is fun, too. It's tough in parts, sometimes steep, sometimes squelchy, but frequently breathtaking and exhilarating, especially in the high, lonely middle section around Whin Sill.
Here, you are not just in the middle of some of the most spectacular natural landscapes England (or Scotland) can offer, but you feel the real presence of history at your shoulder and under your feet. Those couple of millennia slip away as you walk in the footsteps and among the work of those legionaries and locals.
Back then, the locals were the Carvetti branch of the Brigante tribe and the legionaries were the Second (Carleon), the Twentieth (Chester) and the Sixth (York). Wall or nothing: Stuart Maconie and Mark Radcliffe on their exhilarating walk which took them from Cumbria to Wallsend in Tyne and Wear
Contrary to another myth, slave labour wasn't used to build the Wall. Why would the Romans bother with resentful, unskilled, press-ganged men when they had trained men galore?
They were probably aided by locals and conscripted auxiliaries. But even these weren't slaves. Pay was good, they were fed and clothed, and after 25 years they were granted Roman citizenship.
Anyway, that's enough background - besides, every step of the way is a kind of history lesson. So on with your boots and let's go. Ah, which way though?
Well, most people do it from east to west, from Segedunum Roman Fort in Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway in Cumbria. But we did it in the opposite direction and I would recommend it for several reasons. Star location: Kevin Costner filmed part of Robin Hood in the area
First of all, the weather. The wind and the rain are at your back rather than in your face. There's also something satisfying about starting on a lonely stretch of bleak shoreline and ending up in dynamic, modern Newcastle and, appropriately, at a place called Wallsend.
On a purely practical level, it's also a lot easier to get away at the end of your walk. There are many more buses, trains, taxis and hotels in Newcastle than there are in Bowness-on-Solway.
But the latter has one cracking pub called the Kings Arms (with resident pig), and a small but vocal crowd had gathered there to see us off from this small village at the edge of vast, gull-haunted Bowness Bay.
This part of the coast is an ornithologist's delight, but you can't dawdle. It's 15 miles to reach Carlisle; easy miles across fields and such if you don't mind the odd quagmire, but 15 of them nonetheless.
By the time you get to the ancient border city, you'll be ready for a glass and a plate of something before that well-earned bed.
Before you leave Carlisle, remember to get your Hadrian's Wall Path Summer Passport stamped as a record of your walk. There are six 'stamping stations' along the route but they are available only between the start of May and the end of October.
Although the path is not actually closed in winter, walking it is not encouraged - this is so that damage to the ground is kept to a minimum.
The next leg is a similarly long, flattish march to Banks, but after that things get really interesting. There's Birdoswald Roman Fort, the spectacular new bridge over the River Irthing at Willowford, and a terrific bed-and-breakfast hotel, which has on an outbuilding a stone boasting of the legionary who built that part of wall. Historic: Visitors at Housesteads Fort - Hadrian's Wall was made a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1987. It is the most complex and best preserved frontier of the Roman Empire
The next day or so is the mouthwatering section - lots of actual wall and lots of the kind of views that you'll find in all the guide books, such as Walltown Crags and its accompanying lough, and one immortalised by Hollywood.
The tree at Sycamore Gap is the one shinned up by Kevin Costner in the film Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. He was supposed to be heading from Dover to Nottingham, so I hope your map-reading skills are a little better. Worth a detour though, I suppose, Kev.
Landmarks such as Housesteads Roman Fort, Roman Vindolanda, the Whin Sill Ridge and Sewingshields Crags provide stunning views north to the Cheviots and south to the Pennines.
This is the day that will linger in the memory, as well as the thighs and calves. But every wheezing step is worth it and if you're reasonably fit and mobile you shouldn't find it too difficult.
Mind you, we were met at Vindolanda by a nice man with some homemade pies - something I can't promise always happens. And you'll find a good welcome at pubs and hotels such as the Twice Brewed, The George at Chollerford and High House Brewery.
After Heddon, you say goodbye both to the actual Wall, which has been a good and constant companion for several days, and to the high ground. It's now downhill all the way and there are different kinds of history to be seen as you follow the glittering and majestic Tyne into Newcastle.
For me, Newcastle is the best-looking major city in England now, with its blend of historic and contemporary bridges and its dazzling new riverside complete with The Sage and The Baltic arts centres.
There's a Riviera-style marina just before Byker and even the football team is getting its act together this season.
Then it's on to Wallsend and Segedunum and the end of a trip you won't forget. You'll have crossed this island from coast to coast (give or take a mile or three), seen vistas rural and urban, ancient and modern, and hopefully lost a few pounds along the way.
You may even want to turn around and do it again. But first, there's a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale with your name on it somewhere around here.
Travel factsStuart Maconie and Mark Radcliffe stayed at a range of accommodation along the Hadrian's Wall Path, including: Farlam Hall Country House Hotel (01697 746234, www.farlamhall.co.uk) Near Brampton, Cumbria. Rooms start at £290 half-board.
Keelmans Lodge (Inn) (0191 267 1689, www.petersen-stainless.co.uk) Newburn, near Newcastle. Double rooms start at £57 (room only).
Hotel du Vin Newcastle (0191 229 2200, www.hotelduvin.com) Rooms start at £160 (room only).
For further information on accommodation and places to visit, see www.hadrians-wall.org. The Wall will be illuminated from end to end on March 13.
Andante Travels (01722 713800, www.andantetravels.co.uk) offers inclusive holidays. There are a range of circular walks along the Wall for the winter months. For further information on these and the Hadrian's Wall National Path, visit www.nationaltrail.co.uk/hadrianswall.
source: dailymail
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