Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sensational Scotland: Loch and awe among the hidden delights of the happy Highlands
Posted by st at 10:52 PMBy Michael Dobbs Living the high life: The Scottish Highlands are a part of the UK like no other
We had a long weekend to spare. Where to go? We bent over a map. 'There,' I said, jabbing a finger, 'this is one place we've never been.' I was pointing to the Scottish Highlands. 'Time to improve your education,' my wife replied. 'Get your passport.'
We didn't need a passport, of course, but the Highlands is an intriguingly different world. Soon we were aboard the train beyond Glasgow, passing through increasingly rugged, inspiring countryside until we arrived at the tiny village of Tyndrum.
It was the first of many surprises. Tyndrum is a village with a population of little more than 150, yet somehow it manages to sustain two railway stations. They do things differently in these parts.
We got off the train needing directions for the other station. There was only one man on the platform to ask.
'Don't worry,' he said, 'one of my boys will take you.' It was a gentle welcome, so I asked what he and his boys were doing. 'We're digging for gold. Hope to open the old mine again in a few months.'
The price of gold has risen and, with it, the fortunes of this area, the Lorn of Argyll, at the southern tip of the Highlands. This is Jacobite country, a place of lochs, firths and many fishing places, of atmospheric ruined castles, rugged glens, ancient conspiracies and modern-day adventures hatched around peat fires and oiled with finest whisky.
The map can be misleading. The eye is dragged to Oban, the only significant town in the area. A working port, it has much worth visiting, including a delightful amateur-run War and Peace Museum, but the grandeur and romance of the Highlands lie elsewhere.
We hired a car from cheerful people at Hazelbank Motors and set off.
We swallowed hard and decided not to drive the few miles north to Glencoe, the beautiful but infamous site of the massacre 300 years ago. Instead, we turned off by Lock Creran for the Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary.
We arrived at feeding time for fat, ticklish seals and gently-spinning otters. These cheeky creatures are totally captivating. Adopt one, if you want, or simply laugh with them. Their humour is irresistible.
But it's an unfair world, and at the nearby Inverawe Smokery on Loch Etive the fish are less fortunate. Here, you can catch them, eat them, or watch them being seasoned, sliced and smoked in old-fashioned smokeboxes.
The delights to be found in these parts are like the best wild salmon; you have to search them out. The Ardanaiseig Hotel is indisputably one of these. An old country-house filled with antiques and hidden at the end of a track ten miles from the main road, it is small, luxurious and wildly romantic.
I don't know if I've ever been more relaxed. It's Monarch Of The Glen without the crises. The food and welcome are exceptional, with sweeping views over Loch Awe that make this a hidden jewel.
The Scots are full of pride and much of it has been poured into Ardanaiseig. It may just be my favourite hotel in the kingdom.
Memories from our following day tussle with each other for top billing. Dunstaffnage Castle, a royal fortress whose remains sit on a plug of dark volcanic rock; bluebell woods in which we stumbled across a ruined chapel; St Conan's Kirk with gargoyles of floppy-eared rabbits; a cruise down Loch Etive; the ever-changing light as sun, sea, wind, loch and granite mountainside are locked in their timeless battle for supremacy.
And whisky. Impossible to escape, but who would want to? Not just to be drunk but to be discovered. I started with a tour at the Oban Distillery, watching malt whisky being distilled from base barley to its beautifully polished end.
It's a magical process; I wanted more. I found it in a Bowmore whisky masterclass at a Highland fair at Inverary Castle, while my wife soaked up the bagpipes and explored the craft stalls.
This countryside overflows with opportunity. Every stretch of water has its own legend, every glen and hill its special challenge, and every hostelry its own welcome. What happened to those cold, narrow-pursed Scots of myth? We found none.
But I promised hardcore modernism. The Cruachan hydro-electric power station may not sound enticing, but it's an eye-popping feast of brutal power. Carved from within 3,700ft Ben Cruachan, its turbine hall is like a set from a James Bond movie. Its size and engineering ambition are staggering. Outside, on the far side of Loch Awe we saw ospreys nesting on a mobile phone mast.
Just a few minutes away from this modern monster stand the atmospheric ruins of Kilchurn Castle, former stronghold of the Campbell clan. Nestling nearby on the lochside we found our second extraordinary resting place - a converted railway carriage.
The Caledonian Camping Coach is an old Fifties carriage that retains a huge number of original features, yet provides remarkable comfort for those who simply want something full of character in self-catering. Restored with care and spotlessly maintained, it's huge fun and can take up to five people. You feel part of the surroundings.
We fell asleep gazing out over the ruins of the castle, while swallows caught the last of the evening light above our heads and birds of prey hovered at a distance, with everything reflected back from the crystal waters of Loch Awe.
It doesn't get simpler, or more satisfying, than this.
The carriage is another part of the Highlands that has reinvented itself, yet the drama of the scenery is eternal. I flew back on a seaplane from Oban to Glasgow city centre, wishing with every mile and passing cloud that the pilot would turn round and give me a little more time there.
Michael Dobbs's new thriller, The Reluctant Hero, is published next month by Simon & Schuster at £17.99.
Travel FactsArdanaiseig Hotel (01866 833333, www.ardanaiseig.com) offers bed and breakfast from £64 per person per night.
The Caledonian Coach Camping Company (www.scotlandrailholiday.com) offers weekly rentals from £400. For further information on Loch Etive Cruises 01866 822430.
Return fares on Loch Lomond Seaplanes start at £149. Call 01436 675030 or visit www.lochlomondseaplanes.com.
For car hire, contact Hazelbank Motors (01631 566476, www.obancarhire.co.uk). Rates start at £40 per day.
source: dailymail
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