Friday, February 26, 2010
It's a taboo more mothers are shattering - daring to admit they're unhappy with a healthy baby because it's not the sex they wanted
Posted by st at 12:31 AMBy Natasha Courtenay-Smith Longed-for daughter: After having two boys, Lisa Moore was desperate for a little girl. After using an ovulation chart to try and increase her chances, she fell pregnant with twins, a boy - and a girl (pictured)
What must the expectant mothers in the hospital waiting room have thought as Lisa Moore emerged from her ultrasound scan in floods of tears? Surely there was something terribly wrong with the child she was carrying?
From Lisa's point of view at least, there was indeed something wrong. But rather than having been told that her unborn baby had a life-threatening congenital abnormality or some other defect, she had, in fact, been informed that she was having twin boys.
'I never saw myself with boys, and I was devastated,' says Lisa, 29, who at the time already had two sons. 'The problem was that, since I was a little girl, I'd longed for a daughter.'
There will be many who will find it hard to understand how any woman blessed with a healthy baby could grumble about its sex, let alone feel the level of despair that Lisa did, especially since there are some women who can't have children, at all.
But Lisa is far from alone in feeling unhappy with the sex of her children. Indeed, so common are such feelings of disappointment that it's now a recognised psychological condition, known as Gender Disappointment.
The internet is home to hundreds of forums on the subject, where women gather to share their experiences and heartache of not having a child of the sex they desire.
They post their messages anonymously and they are utterly frank about their feelings.
While some accuse women who admit to these feelings of being 'shallow' and 'selfish', it's clear the pain is very real for those experiencing it.
'I cried in bed for two days,' writes one woman, a mother of two boys, upon discovering her third child was also a boy. Another mother of three boys writes: 'I honestly don't think I'll ever get over not having a girl. I think about it every day, and the disappointment never goes away. I will carry this agony with me for the rest of my life.'
If at first you don't succeed... Michaela and Andrew Whittle had six daughters before a son arrived
Yet the yearning for a child of a specific sex is often so strong that women will resort to any measure possible to get the baby they want. Many websites are devoted to what parents can try to do to maximise their chances of conceiving the gender they want.
Low-tech methods range from creating specific ovulation charts, taking herbal supplements and certain vitamins, to eating diets rich in potassium and sodium for a boy, or calcium and magnesium for a girl.
Theories abound about the sex selection effects of diet, but there is little hard evidence to prove that they work.
The only way to ensure the sex of a baby is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which involves creating embryos via traditional IVF and then implanting only embryos of a certain sex.
Currently, UK law only allows sex selection for medical reasons, such as the avoidance of certain inherited diseases, but a number of desperate British women are known to have travelled abroad for the treatment, which is widely available in the U.S. and across Europe.
Lisa Moore's longing for a little girl led to her drawing up complicated ovulation charts that told her when the optimal time was to have intercourse if she wanted a girl.
'It is hard to describe why I wanted a girl so much - it wasn't just about dressing her in cute pink clothes, although that was part of my longing,' says Lisa, who lives in Southampton.
'But, ultimately, I felt I would have more in common with a daughter than a son. A daughter would be a friend, someone to be close to.
'I wanted to see my daughter excited on her wedding day, be there for her when she had her first child. I felt the experience wouldn't be the same with a son.
'I had my first son, Lee, who's now 12, and then when I found out during my second pregnancy that I was having another boy, I felt a real twinge of disappointment.
'I remember bringing John, now ten, home from hospital and having a few tears that I'd had another boy and not this longed-for little girl. My husband was sympathetic, but he was happy with a second son and couldn't really understand.
'I felt so guilty - and still do - because my sons are gorgeous. But it was nothing to do with them. I still loved them as much, I just wanted to experience a daughter.'
After splitting up with the father of her sons, Lisa met her current partner, a 31-year-old education consultant, and decided this time she would not leave the sex of her baby to chance.
Through books and the internet, she conducted her own research into how to tip the balance towards having a girl.
'Some suggested change in our diets but I decided the most important factor, from all my research, was timing,' she says. 'The theory was that having sex on the day the woman ovulates would produce a boy, because the faster swimming sperm (more likely to be Ychromosome "male" sperm) would reach the egg first.
'However, for a girl, sex should take place before ovulation. The Y sperm wouldn't last as long and would die off. But the X chromosome-bearing female sperm would still be waiting to fertilise the egg. Gender disappointment: Some women are upset, even if the ultra sound reveals a healthy baby, if it isn't the sex they wanted (posed by model)
'Fortunately, I have a very regular cycle so was able to pinpoint when ovulation would occur. From then, I counted back five days. It was quite complicated.'
The idea that timing could influence the sex of the baby was first proposed more than 20 years ago by American doctor Landrum Shettles.
While it is a hugely popular method, numerous medical articles say that it is flawed, and a number of subsequent stories have not been able to replicate the results that Shettles himself claimed he got.
Nonetheless, Lisa fell pregnant with twins on her first attempt. But her hopes that she would now be having two girls were crushed, her scan revealed she was carrying twin boys, and she thought her efforts had failed.
'I came out of the scan sobbing,' she says. 'I felt as if I were grieving for the daughter I was never going to have. It sounds awful. I should have been happy, because I had two healthy babies.
'Instead, I spent the rest of the pregnancy feeling low. Four children would be stretching our finances and it really felt as if this was it. I would never have the daughter I wanted.'
Lisa's twins were born at 35 weeks, by Caesarean, and to her surprise, while she did have one boy the other twin was a girl.
'As the babies came out, I heard them cry, then they were whisked away,' she recalls.
'It was then I saw my partner's face and could see he was trying to tell me something. I actually felt panicky for a moment that there was something wrong, until he said: "There's a girl." I was so overwhelmed I began to cry.'
Lisa's twins are now three years old. She maintains that she does not love her daughter any more than her sons, but that having a daughter has completed their family.
'She has made it more balanced and given it a dimension that would have been missing had she been another boy,' says Lisa.
'I believe it's been as lovely for our sons to have a sister as it is for us to have a daughter. I still do feel guilty that I so longed so much to have a girl. But I have to admit that having her has made me so happy.'
They are sentiments shared by decorator Andrew Whittle and his wife Michaela, who after having six daughters finally had a much longed for son.
Ironically, the couple, had only ever intended to have two children, especially since they needed IVF to conceive their second child.
'Given the difficulties we'd had having a second child, we both agreed that was it,' says Michaela, 41, a housewife, from Wigan. 'I knew Andrew had wanted a son, but I just felt that you don't always get what you want in life and that we were blessed with two girls and should count ourselves lucky.'
But when Michaela, whose eldest daughters Amy and Georgie are now 23 and 14, fell pregnant accidentally with Amelia, now 11, her husband's hopes that he could one day have a son were reignited.
She agreed to try for a baby one more time, and this time Jessie, now eight, was born.
Daughters Casey, seven, and Bridie, five, followed.
'It wasn't so much that I was desperate to have a son, but each time I gave birth to another girl, I felt guilty for not giving Andrew a son and so tried again,' says Michaela.
'It was difficult for him living in a house full of girls, and he wanted a son to take on the family name, go to watch football with him and share his love of fishing. Of course Andrew loved each of the girls, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I felt I'd let him down.'
Three years ago, Michaela and Andrew decided to try for what they agreed would be their final baby.
She recalls: 'I had given up hope of having a boy. But at the scan, the nurse, on hearing we had six girls, said: "Do you want to know what this one is?" and Andrew replied: "Yes."
'Then I heard her saying: "It's a boy." We both had tears in our eyes. Throughout the pregnancy we still couldn't believe it until we held him.
'We didn't do anything specific to get a boy, we just kept trying. I believe that you shouldn't tamper with nature. But it goes to show, if you keep trying, there's a chance eventually you'll get what you want.'
The couple's son Tyler, is now two, and Michaela says without doubt his arrival has completed their family.
'Tyler is such a daddy's boy, and seeing him and Andrew together makes me feel so happy. His sisters are devoted to him. He's made the family feel rounded and balanced.'
But what if you can't have the baby you want? Wendy Bowen, 43, is a mother of eight boys, and has been desperate to have a girl for more than 20 years.
Tragically, she lost her first baby, a girl, eight months into her pregnancy and has been dreaming of a daughter ever since. She knows that time is against her, and fears she is beginning to enter the menopause.
Her husband, believes it's time they gave up trying, and Wendy knows that unless a miracle happens, she will never have the daughter she craves. Wendy tries to put on a brave face, but her ongoing pain is clear.
'I'll keep trying for the foreseeable future, but once things pack up, there's nothing you can do about it,' she says. 'I've got all these boys, and surely one of them will have daughters.
'There are times in my life when I've found it all very upsetting, but I am coming to terms with things. The most important thing is that all my children are happy and healthy.'
Many women experiencing gender disappointment, though, say their profound sense of longing cannot be glossed over.
Instead, they live in fear that they'll never have the child they dream of, and that the subsequent disappointment will haunt them for the rest of their lives
source: dailymail
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