Friday, February 19, 2010
Tiger Woods' porn star mistress can't hold back the tears as she watches star's apology
Posted by st at 11:27 PM Over the top? Tearful Joslyn James is comforted by lawyer Veronica Siwik-Daniels in Los Angeles
As one of 12 women linked to married golf star Tiger Woods, Joslyn James could rightly be expected to feel ashamed of her actions.
But as she watched his televised apology today the porn star seemed more upset than the golfer himself, sobbing hysterically as her lawyer tried to comfort her.
The scenes were as dramatic as James's new look. Her short cropped hair and buttoned blouse was a world away from her appearance as a seductress in My First Sex Teacher 12.
James, real name Veronica Siwik-Daniels, claims she was twice made pregnant by Woods, suffering a miscarriage in 2007 and an abortion two years later.
Perhaps her tears were due to Woods's failure to mention her in his address Thought it was for life: James claims to have become pregnant by Woods
Former life: James in My First Sex Teacher 12
Speaking publicly today for the first time since allegations of his string of affairs emerged, Woods admitted he had bitterly disappointed his family, friends and fans.
'For all I have done, I am so sorry. I have a lot to atone for,' he said.
But he made no mention of the women he is alleged to have bedded, other than to talk of his shame at his actions.
James's lawyer Gloria Allred said her 32-year-old client suffered 'anguish and distress' following her three year affair with Woods.
She said James believed their relationship 'would last a lifetime' and went into hiding to avoid being quizzed about their affair.
'Veronica has made tremendous sacrifices for him,' said Allred.
'She gave up the porn business at his request and went into hiding when the scandal broke in order to protect him, but to date he has not contacted her to apologise.'
source: dailymail
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