Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Natural wonders of the world: Nudists enjoy day trip to remote island off the coast of Wales
Posted by st at 8:38 AMBy Daily Mail Reporter Wild and free: Over 40 men and woman travelled to the island of Flat Holm for a day out organised by official naturists' society British Naturism
A haven for naturalists attracted a load of naturists at the weekend when 44 visitors stripped off for a unusual visit.
The day trip to the island of Flat Holm, organised by official naturists' society British Naturism, took four years to plan.
A mixture of both men and women, of all ages, chose to go on the trip to explore the wonders of the tranquil island while in the nude.
The event was organised by Andrea and Phil Griffiths, members of both the Flat Holm Society and British Naturism.
She said: 'I've been going over to the island as a volunteer for more than 20 years - and have been trying to get this trip organised for at least four.
'I'm delighted to be given the opportunity to share it with fellow naturists.
'I'm sure they will appreciate the tranquillity and peaceful atmosphere of the island and want to come back again and again.'
She added: 'I was talking to one of the volunteers after a nice sunny day on the island and we thought it would be nice to bring the naturists over here.
'I just thought they would love it. It’s secluded so nobody could object. There are a few staff who live on the island, but I did not see why anybody would object.'
The visitors learned more about Flat Holm's history, wildlife and rare plants, while exploring the island in all their naked glory.
The island, in the Bristol Channel, features a 100ft tall lighthouse to warn ships sailing up the Severn Estuary.
It was used as a sanctuary for Vikings, Anglo Saxons, silver miners, smugglers and cholera victims.
The island was also the location chosen by Marconi from which to broadcast the first ever radio message across the water to nearby Penarth in 1897.
Regular visitors to the island are advised to wear hats for the 50-minute, four-mile boat trip from Cardiff Bay because of mess from dive-bombing seagulls.
But while they wore clothes and hardhats for the journey, the group of naturists stripped off as soon as they landed on dry ground.
Andy and Phil only decided to become naturists 10 years ago while on holiday in Dorset.
She said: ' I had always wanted to try it and one year we went on holiday and I said to Phil we should give it a go. I just took my clothes off and enjoyed the beach, and what a fabulous feeling that was! It was remarkably easy and we haven’t looked back.
'People smile and are a lot more friendly and sociable. They also tend to look at your face more as there is not the distraction of what someone is wearing. We have made some great friends since.
'I would say that these days a lot more of us are coming out of the closet, in a way. I think events like this bring people together.'
She said: ' I think because we do not keep it a secret and talk openly about it, people are generally fine with it. It is just a part of my life and I think because I talk about it that way people accept it more. I do not titter behind my hand about it and I don’t expect others to.
'Most people are just like ‘Ooh, I couldn’t do that you’re braver than me! Nobody would want to see my naked body!’'
She says she thinks she has managed to convince other people to try it out, and they have found is surprisingly enjoyable.
She said: 'It’s one of those things that I do not think we have to hide, there’s nothing shameful about it, it’s just a perfectly normal thing to do.'
Far from prying eyes: The island lies in the middle of the Severn estuary a few miles south of the Welsh capital, Cardiff
Natural charms: Flat Holm is a limestone island lying in the Bristol Channel approximately four miles from Lavernock Point in the Vale of Glamorgan, but in the City and County of Cardiff. It includes the most southerly point of Wales
source: dailymail
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