Saturday, April 3, 2010
Nothing Sweet About Me! Gabriella Cilmi sexes up her look in steamy photoshoot
Posted by st at 1:00 AMBy Chris Johnson Sultry: Gabriella Cilmi poses in her first ever men's magazine photoshoot for FHM
She burst on to the music scene insisting there's nothing Sweet About Me with her debut song.
And if these steamy photos are anything to go by, pop sensation Gabriella Cilmi was singing no word of a lie.
The Australian-born star is seen here in a series of steamy poses as she sheds her innocent image for her first ever photoshoot with a men's magazine
In one she wears red lingerie, which she provocatively exposes by pulling down her white T-shirt, while in another she slips into a black bra and suspenders.
Speaking about the experience, the 18-year-old singer told FHM: 'I loved it.
'Italian women are taught to celebrate their figures, so as long as I am comfortable with the photographer and confident the shoot is going to look classy, I’m not afraid of showing off my body.' Nothing Sweet About Me: The Australian-born star throws off her innocent image
Melbourne-born Gabriella moved to London aged 15 but started performing at an early age.
She was discovered while singing Jumpin’ Jack Flash at a street festival aged 13.
Recalling her first experiences of performing, she revealed: 'I wrote my first song when I was nine and was so excited I snuck a few guys into the girls’ toilet so they and the girls could hear me perform it.
'Ha – I’ve just realised this means my first gig was in a toilet!'
Currently single, Gabriella told FHM she goes for the 'un-evolved man' look but is quick to point out that any new guy would need to get the nod of approval from her family.
Retail therapy: Gabriella shopping in Sydney on Thursday
She revealed: 'My family are all Italian, so are really protective of me. I’d wait so long before I introduce any guy to my family, because my ten cousins would give him dirty looks at the dinner table and my dad would probably take him outside for a word The full interview and more amazing pictures appear in this month's FHM magazine, on sale now
'It’d be embarrassing, so I’d have to make sure he’s really special before I put a guy through that.'
Recalling some recently dating disasters, Gabriella said: 'The whole guy thing has been annoying me recently.
'First I found out this guy who invited me to lunch had a girlfriend. And then, a couple of weeks ago, this other guy that I thought was kind of cute got into a fight at the bar while we were out. He just punched someone. I was like, “I’m leaving."'
Gabriella counts Led Zeppelin among her musical inspirations.
'I’m a massive Led Zeppelin fan. Houses Of The Holy is my favourite album, and on my last tour I sang Whole Lotta Love, which is my favourite song in the world,' she said.
'It won me a lot of male fans, too – I had three metalhead guys who followed me everywhere, which is cool. I have a lot in common with metalheads.'
She added: 'I’d love to do a metal or a dirtier blues record.'
source: dailymail
Labels: Celebrity Gossip